Chapter 7: First Days

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Valleri awoke Thursday morning excited and ready for her first day at the Ice Cream Parlour in town. It was only 8:00 am, so she had plenty of time to get ready and prepared for the day that lay ahead. Valleri pulled on an old pair of pants and a tank top as Cathy, her new boss, suggested she wear old clothes as a company t-shirt would be provided the first day. Valleri went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast, then headed out on her bike to get an early start. It was an overcast and humid day, meaning it would most likely rain sometime that afternoon. But, Valleri didn't mind. Maybe it would be a nice break from the otherwise dreadful heat. As Valleri biked, all she could think about was Davy. Their kiss had only happened a day or two ago, and she could still feel his lips. She hadn't talked to him since then, but she knew that she would have to call him, (or that should call her), soon. She wanted to hang out with him again. Go on a date maybe...if that's what had happened on the beach. Once Valleri arrived at Greenwood's, she parked her bike around the corner behind the store, then walked in to see Cathy cleaning one of the wooden tables near the back corner.

"Hey there Valleri! You ready for your first day?" Cathy exclaimed, making her way out from behind the table, one hand clutching a towel, the other a spray bottle of cleaning liquid.

"You bet!" Valleri said back, a big smile on her face.

"I'll be able to train you in soon. I'm just waiting for one other person to show up."

Valleri assumed the other person must be"Paul", the other worker Cathy had been talking about a few days ago.

Suddenly, the bell above the door rang, and in came a boy with a sullen face. His glasses were at the tip of his nose, and he slowly pushed them up with his thumb, as if he were cool.

"Valleri, meet Paul. Pa, this is Valleri. Paul, you and Valleri will be working together this summer."

Paul leaned back against the cool wall and smiled. His peacock feather printed shirt billowed slightly as the air-conditioner kicked in from behind him.

"Hey Valleri. Pleased to meet you"

Valleri literally wanted to roll her eyes as far as they could go. This dude really thought he was hot shit, didn't he? Well, Valleri wasn't going to let his huge ego get in the way of her job. She was here to make money, and, maybe even have a little bit of fun too. There seemed to be some tension between the two of them, and Valleri wondered what he could POSSIBLY be thinking about her. Cathy sensed that something was off, and quickly broke whatever odd invisible current happening between the two of them.

"Well, follow me you two!" Cathy said eagerly, excited to train some newcomers.

Valleri and Paul followed Cathy behind the counter into the back room, where a giant freezer hummed loudly. A desk with a chair sat facing the wall, and a back window exposed the brick wall of the appliance store behind them. 

"This is the main office area. In here," Cathy walked over to the freezer and opened it, "are all of the different flavors of ice cream we have. Each bucket contains a different flavor. When one runs out in the front, just come back here and fill up the empty metal tray. Although, if you notice that one flavor is low in the front, I recommend taking out a bucket and thawing it a bit so that it's easier to empty out."

Cathy walked over to the desk area and opened up a metal filing cabinet drawer near the window.

"Here are your shirts. You can put them on now if you want to." Cathy handed Paul and Valleri a company t-shirt.

Valleri examined the dark green shirt. The front was emblazoned with the store's logo, while the back of the shirt had a yellow outlined ice cream cone with a smiley face. It was a little weird, Valleri decided, but she had to wear it anyways.

Paul changed out of his shirt right away, not caring if anyone was watching, then headed out to follow Cathy in the front again. He gave Valleri a little smirk, reacting to her surprised face. Valleri, clearly shocked, waited until he was gone, then slipped the shirt over her tank top. She did not trust Paul already. He seemed way too cocky and arrogant and...what's the Valleri knew it was bad to judge people based solely on their looks, but something wasn't right.

Cathy, over the next hour, explained the many different jobs the two would have to do, such as clean off tables and the bathrooms off to the side of the store, and make sure that customers were happy with their ice cream. Valleri was excited when a few people finally showed up as the rain began to pour, and she and Paul were able to practice their newly learned "skills." Paul, clearly, was a people person, (more like a charismatic asshole in Valleri's opinion), and was able to win over the customers in a heartbeat.

Cathy watched Paul and Valleri from a distance, thrilled to see the two work together so well. If only she knew what Valleri was thinking. Once the customers had left and it was finally silent for a few minutes, Cathy explained how they could clock out once their shifts were over. And, once Valleri's shift was complete five hours later, she bid Paul an awkward farewell and headed out to bike home in the rain. Her new shirt was completely soaked, but she didn't mind. 

Once Valleri was home, she quick hopped into the shower and, after drying off, put on a warm pair of pajamas. She just knew that this summer would be special, besides the fact that Paul was probably going to be some sort of problem. She just had a feeling. But, at least she would be making some money.

Just as Valleri began to start a new book from her bookshelf, as she had nothing else to do on this rainy day, the family phone rang out from down the hall. Valleri ran to answer it.

"Hello?" She said, out of breath.

"Val? Is that you?"

"Hey Davy?" Valleri said, immediately blushing. 

Davy began to laugh.

"Want to come over?" Davy said eagerly.

"Are you blind? It's raining outside! I am NOT biking in that."

The rain, as if sensing Valleri's predicament, began to fall down even harder.

"Then we'll come and pick you up!"

Valleri looked up at the clock on the wall. The time read 3:00 pm. Her mom wouldn't come home until five, so she had more than enough time. But, how was Davy going to get to her house.

"How are you going to get here?" Valleri asked, genuinely curious.

"You'll see..." Davy said. Then, he hung up without another word.

Valleri held the phone to her chest and shook her head with a smile. She then looked down at her pajamas and raced back to her room to change. She'd need to look somewhat decent for whatever she, Davy...and whoever else showed up to her house, would be doing that day.

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