chapter 1; the beginning.

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I trip and lose my balance, a pair of hands catching me right before I hit the floor. I look up, trying to catch the person's  eyes; but the overlooking lights block him from my view. He lifts me up slightly,

"Uh, sorry. I didn't mean that." I hear him say. His friends stood at the back, scoffing.

I brush my shirt, "It's okay. It was an accident." I smile.

He finally looks at me, making eye contact. He breaks into a slight smile.

"Right. Uh I should go-"

"Yeah. S-sorry. "

He shrugged as he turned to walk down the hallway.


《 later 》

"You BUMPED into DAVID DOBRIK?" Gabbie whisper-shouted.

"Gabbie! Shh. It was an accident, can you chill?" I say.

"Uh no? You. Bumped. Into. David. Dobrik." She mumbles to herself.

She looks at me in disbelief, "He's like the most popular kid in school."

I shrugged. That's why he looked familiar, I thought.

I just moved here a week ago, and I don't know anyone except for Gabbie, and some of her friends.

"So." Gabbie says.

I give her a questioning look.

"Zanes's having a party and we're all invited." She says.

I raise an eyebrow. "And?"

"You should come! It'll be fun!"

"Gabbie, I don't think I should go, I mean we have a test the week afte-"
She cuts me off.

"Please?" She says again, giving me a sad face.

I laugh. Pretending to admit to defeat, I put my hands up. "Okay, fine."

She breaks into a smile, squeezing my shoulder.

18th November, 2016
7.13 p.m.

I come out of the bathroom and see Gabbie doing her makeup and humming to the background song.
She turns around to see me.

"LIZA. Omg. You look AMA-zing." She screams.

"Thanks, but don't you think it's a little too short? I feel-"  She sighs.

"Seriously? You look amazing. You're not taking it off. I mean it." She folds her arms.

I roll my eyes at her.

9.03 p.m.

Gabbie turns off the engine and turns to me.

"You ready?" I nodded.

We got out of the car and entered the house. It was super noisy with music blaring and the people screaming and shouting.  We walked into the crowd. I held Gabbie's hand just so I don't get lost in the crowd.

We came to a bar table where we see Zane sitting there, drinking. Zane turns around.

"Gabbieee! So glad you could comee!" He says, then giving her a quick peck on the cheeks. "Come on, I have something to show you." He grabs her hand and pulls her upstairs. She gives me a smile before dissappear into the crowd.

Just great. I thought to myself. Why did I agree on coming here anyway.

I stood up and turned around to leave, but bumps in to someone.

"Sorr-" I slowly look up, my eyes meeting his.

"Hey." His voice echos in my mind. "Leaving already?" David says.

"Uh yeah. I came with Gabbie, but she left with Zane so." I say.

"Have a drink with me." He held his hand out. "Please?" He smiles.

Oh god. How can I ever say no to a smile like that.

10.13 p.m.

"-and that's why I'll never go to that creepy golf club again." He says.

We both start to laugh.

"Anyway, enough about me." He says,
"Tell me more about yourself."

I think for a little and say "well not many people know this but, my middle name's Shaila." I say, laughing a little.

He laughs too, "Shaila? I like that. It sound pretty."

I sigh. I didn't want the night to end but it was getting late. I stood up.

"Wait." David says, grabbing my arm. "Follow me to the rooftop? It's a killer view." He says.

"Ooh. Following a stranger to a rooftop alone? I think I'll pass." I say with a laugh.

"Hey! I'm not a stranger. I mean, I now know your middle name's Shaila." He says. He helds his hand out. I grab it and he pulls me towards the stairs.

We pushed through the door, and felt the thin, cold air hitting us.

I walked over to the side.
"Well, you were right. It is a really pretty view." I say. "Too bad I'm afraid of heights." I took a step back.

He looks at me. "Don't."

I look at him, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

He pulls me towards him. "Don't leave."

He puts his hand around me reassuringly.

"BTW, have I told you that you look at amazing in that dress?" He says.

I laugh and put on a fake yawn. "Only like 7 times."

He laughs. "Well you do."

I stare into his brown eyes. The moonlight lighting them up.

Ugh. What was this feeling. My stomach dropped and I felt nervous.

David must have sensed my nervousness as he tighten his arms around me. He chuckles.
He leans in closer, our faces inches apart. I close my eyes as he puts his lips against mine, kissing me gently. He pulls away, and smiles.

"Ever kissed before?" He says.  I shook my head. He grins,"not bad for your first time."

WOAH. Did I just write a whole chapter. Damn. I actually did this for fun and I actually seem to like this and I MIGHT continue it. I'm not sure but uh hopes whoever reads this enjoys it. Especially the last part. *wink wink*

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