chapter 6; proposal

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(A/N) ; just a disclaimer, upcoming chapters; including this one, will be written in a third persons perspective as in it won't be in Liza's mind anymore. It's easier to write this way I guess? Thank you for reading! Enjoy ❤

29th November, 2016.
11.27 a.m.

Liza was sitting next to her friend, Gabbie, on the bench at their usual spot in the cafeteria.

"So, what are you guys?" Gabbie asked, turning to face Liza.

Liza tilted her head in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asked her blonde headed friend.

"I mean-" Gabbie started, "-you guys didn't do anything like 'official', did you? To say you're officially, 'dating.' Even your fans don't know you're together."

Liza blinked in realisation. "Well, he hasn't done anything, but I guess we both just knew? That we liked each other? I'm sure the fans will catch on soon."

Gabbie smirked at her friend. What you don't know is, David's planning something for you tonight, she thought to herself.

"What?" Liza asked. "Why are you giving me that face?"

Her friend simply continued smiling and got back to switching channels on the television.

《 later 》

4.21 p.m.

Gabbie left an hour ago, leaving Liza to drive home alone.

Her phone rings, as she quickly picks it up and smiles at the screen. David.

"Hey." David said.

"Hey." Liza said, smiling to herself.

"So. A little birdie told me, that you should get ready, because I've set you up on a date tonight"

Liza's smile dropped.
"Why did you put it that way? Aren't you taking me out?"

"No, i set you up on a date. With someone else."

I knew it. He never wanted to go out with me anyway what was I thinking? God, Liza, you're so stupid, the curly haired girl thought to herself.

"David. I'm not really in the mood for this, I just-"

"No. You're not backing out on this. Just go."

"David, I-"

David hanged up the phone, leaving Liza in mid sentence.

HE sighed. I'm sorry Liza. It's the only way I can get this suprise to work. He thought.

SHE sighed. Well. I better get ready, then. Maybe the guy's cute? She thought.

5.33 p.m.

Liza tucks a strand of hair behind a ear as she looks at herself in the mirror.

Remind me why I'm doing his again. She sighed.

The doorbell rings as she rushed down, grabbing her purse on the way.

She opens the door, only to notice there was no one. She glances to the floor, where a small box stood.

Is this a joke.

She picked up the package, closing the door behind her.

Curiously, the small girl slit the opening of the box, surprised by its contents.

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