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Shibi's Pov

'I need to get the chickens pen fixed, those damn leaves keep flying off, we need to find a better covering for it, maybe seaweed from the banks would be better? I'll go fetch some later' were my only thoughts that morning as I rose to greet the early morning sun, stopping just long enough to feel the cool breeze as it blew by.

I looked over my village, noticing the air of peacefulness that had not been present under my husband's leadership. Only recently had he been banished , as well as the horror of what he had done. But, that was all in the past now. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the sea, my mind only on seaweed until something rather odd shaped a few feet from me stopped me in my tracks. Forgetting the seaweed for a moment, I cautiously crept closer to the strange object, silently hoping it wasn't one of the Uchihas bombs, which could level the entire village. 'No, this object is too lightly colored, what is this mysterious thing?'.

As I neared the object and my vision focused, my jaw dropped in horror as I identified what was floating near the banks in the early morning. 'Holy hell, its a child!'. I rushed towards it, noticing briefly how the fish were swimming closely to the unconscious child, and swept him up from the water, fearful that he might be dead until his eyes slowly opened, and I gasped in shock. 'By god, how blue his eyes are, and his hair looks like the sun itself lives in it' I thought, as I spoke "excuse me, who are you?".

He blinked slowly, once, twice, before he all of a sudden got a strange look on his face and coughed up water as if he didn't know it had been in his lungs and started shivering with his face contorted in discomfort. 'Alright, who he is can wait, I need to get this boy taken care of'. I ran, carrying the boy with me, towards my cabin that was hoisted in the air on a hill, entering my room and sitting the boy down. I rushed as I threw a blanket around him, grabbed a bucket of water, and reached for a mango in the corner of the room.

Once I returned to the boys side, I looked at him sternly and said "drink", pointing at the water. He looked at me for a moment, and then down at the water, before seemingly realizing how thirsty he was and began downing the water at a fast pace. After a minute, he sat the bucket down,  and without missing a beat, glanced at the mango then at me with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

I smiled, and began peeling the mango before handing the fruit to him. He began devouring it hastily, and I gasped in surprise as he ate the peel as well. I would have told him that the peel was not something you're supposed to eat, but he seemed to enjoy it, so I decided to leave it be. When he finished, it seemed he had no idea what to do next and looked at me expectantly, cocking his head to the side. The boys health taken care of, I decided it was time to get some answers.

"who are you?" I said after a second of consideration on how to start . He considered the question and replied with a smile, "my name is Naruto, I'm four years old". Baffled, I continued, "alright Naruto, how did you end up in the ocean? Do you remember anything other than your name or age?". He seemed to search hard in his mind, before he replied "no, I'm sorry, I don't" and looked very sad before brightening up as he added "but that's ok, I can just stay with you!".

Instantly, those words brought a smile to my face, and I knew I could not refuse. Softly, I replied "alright then, let's get you settled in" and both me and Naruto stood, walking out the door...

It's hard to believe that 12 years have passed since then..

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