Chapter Six

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Man! Blimps are so boring! I was excited for the first half of the trip, but after that I started feeling fidgety and resulted to changing my position 30 times in the next hour.

Finally, when I had changed my position for the thirtieth time, and had nearly fallen out of the blimp for the second, Sasuke spoke up. "ok Naruto, if you don't sit still I'm going to have no choice but to make you" he said exasperatedly. I rose an eyebrow at him in challenge and replied "oh yea? how are you going to do that ?". He smirked, an evil glint in his eye, and I knew it was a bad sign when he calmly responded with "fidget again and we'll find out, now won't we?". Realizing he wasn't bluffing, I gulped and sat still, receiving a laugh in the process. Huffing air out in annoyance I sent a glare right at him in exchange. What annoyed me the most was no matter how hard I glared he wouldn't look at me, and stared ahead with a satisfied grin on his face. Eventually, I gave up and stared out at the land as it slowly passed me by. 'This is going to take forever'.

---Timeskip due to Naruto's impatience---

Sasuke's Pov

"Finally!" I Naruto yelled as I told him we were almost there. The peace of the ride to our village over, worry had finally set in. As we rounded the corner in the blimp, I was shocked beyond words. I was face to face with a completely different village than when I left. "wow, its so beautiful. and you were worrying" he scoffed and bumped my shoulder. I was dumbfounded, so I took me a minute before I had a response. "Trust me when I tell you that it did NOT look like this when I left, Itachi must have done it" I finally managed to say. Naruto turned to me and frowned, tilting his head in confusion. "my brother, he's the one who suggested I stay and help you fix your village" I spoke, and stepped off the blimp as it floated slowly to the ground. Ignoring the residue guilt piling up, I walked towards the edge of the village. "So Naruto, where do you want to go first ?" I asked and turned around to find Naruto had disappeared. "Naruto?Naruto!".

Apologies that this chapter is so short, but fortunately I have an idea of where to go with this, if you have any ideas about plot I'd love to hear it, peace out !!

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