Chapter Two

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Naruto's Pov

As I woke, I gasped in shock. 'That dream, it didn't feel like a dream, it felt like a memory, but.. I'm quickly losing the details. What was it about again?' I pondered for a moment. After thinking and coming up with no answers I groaned and hopped out of bed, ready to return to my daily routine...

Sasuke's Pov

Darkness. That's what my world had become since the deaths of my parents.

I never went outside anymore, never made friends. 'Well, I never had any friends to begin with except for him, but that was a long time ago'. Now, I never interacted with anyone except Itachi, whom had appeared to get over our parents deaths. I couldn't forget, I wouldn't allow myself to, I needed to get revenge on the village leader that killed them.

Since that day me and my brother had taken over leadership of our village, and under my influence, gathered awaiting blimps filled with bombs to which I would lay upon the village. There was another thing in which I would never forget, the name of the village that took them my parents away from me, the Mayud village. I had spent the past 12 years trying to locate the village and take my revenge, and only recently had I come close to discovering it.

With this in mind, I dragged myself out of bed, trudging towards the kitchen to eat my daily breakfast that consisted of a singular mango. I was still eating it when Itachi walked in, looking hesitant. I sighed and said "what is it Itachi" to which he softly replied "well... We found the Mayud village, its a few hours away from here.." I looked up in shock, and quickly hardened my gaze. "Gather the blimps, I will be ready in half and hour". He almost looked like he was about to protest, but the hard gaze I set him with must have changed his mine, and he nodded solemnly, immediately departing from the room. With determination, I got ready and headed out to the blimps, climbing in and shouting "rise!! were heading for the Mayud village!" And sat down to wait.

A few hours later...

Naruto's Pov

While I was busy picking mangoes, I heard someone call my name, and turned to see Shibi with a strange look on her face. Frowning, I replied "yes? Do you need something ? What wrong??" And she sternly said "your going to tend the mangoes farthest away from the village, and don't come back no matter what you hear, this is not up for discussion" and I shrank back, nodding as I ran off to the farthest crop of mango trees.

Everything was quiet for a while, and I started to relax, until I heard major booms and sounds of things exploding, I wanted desperately to go and see what was going on, but Shibi would kill me if I disobeyed her. So, against my better judgment, I stayed put, cowering behind a tree till everything was silent, and I peered out to find a cluster of blimps with the word Uchiha on the sides of them.

'Oh no...', I sprinted back to the village, and my jaw dropped in horror. The whole village was nothing but burned grass and all the rubble from the cabins floating out to sea. I couldn't find any bodies, but there were odd looking logs in the ocean that I didn't want to look to close at for fear of it being what I thought it was. I dropped to my knees in horror of what the Uchihas did to my only village, my only family...

I spent much of that day sobbing at what I lost, of what the Uchihas wrongfully took from me. I wanted to be angry, to be full blown furious, but the weight of my loss was too heavy for me to feel anything but despair. I don't remember much of the next two years, all the days blended into one another as I began to rebuild. I spent half the day rebuilding and the other half wallowing in my own self pity. Eventually I pushed the feelings to the back of my mind and focused solely on rebuilding the village exactly as it was, but a huge hole had been left where my heart used to be...

(A/N) Hey peoples, sorry the chapters are short, this came from a dream and im making up some parts based on what I remember from my dream, hope your enjoying it ! Peace Lol

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