Chapter Seven

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Hey guys! sorry it took so long, but I think I have an idea as to where to go from here, I played with so many different ways this chapter could go and finally got one im happy with. Any feedback will be apprieciated as a writer can always learn to be an even better one. I hope you can be patient with me as I will be trying to write more and finally give this dream story an ending. Until then, enjoy!

Everything is so beautiful! And unsurprisingly familiar. Every building, tree, and bush struck me with a strange sense of deja vu, and left me wondering what exactly was so important about it. 'I wonder if I could manage to find the field on my own'. I was so enraptured by the sights and sounds of everyone coming and going that when turning a corner I ran smack into someone, and closed my eyes as I prepared to fall right on my ass, and was confused when I felt two strong arms grasp me before I could fall. I opened my eyes and gasped as I came to two conclusions. One: it was sasuke who I had bumped into, and Two : hi face was only inches from mine. His face was so close, and for some reason I didn't want to move, I felt really strangely. Snapping out of it at the same time, we both pulled away, and Hiding the blush that was slowly blooming on my face, I straighten myself out and grinned.
"sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going". Tilting his head in confusion,  Sasuke stepped back a bit more and adorned a slightly worried expression before replying . "I realize you're excited but you should stay with me, you could get lost".

Nodding sheepishly, I looked around for a moment before regaining my excitement and grabbing Sasuke's hand, hearing an "oof" as I yanked him along. Finally, as I weaved through the crowds I spotted it. "Look! I found it!" I shouted and ran full speed at it, ignoring Sasuke's protests to stop pulling him. When I truly saw it, I was shocked, and slowed down to a stop right in front of it. Everything around that field was dead.

——Sasuke's pov—-
For some reason, it filled me with sadness to see the field like this, I'd always avoid it, I wasn't sure why at the time, but now I realize it was sadness at the loss of my best friend, and the guilt of being the reason things got like this.
I watched Naruto as he walked  around the field, looking at the trees, grass, shrubs, everything that had been stripped of energy and now appeared a lifeless gray compared to the bright green years before my parents deaths.  Flashes of memories(mostly with Naruto) flooded me, and the sadness overwhelmed me as Naruto spoke.
"What happened here?"
And there it was, the question I'd knew would be popping up sooner or later.
"Its my fault, my parents used to be responsible for helping the town prosper, but once they died, It was my duty. I was so consumed by rage and grief that I completely neglected the town, all for a revenge that caused only pain."
I could feel tears pooling in my eyes and was quick to wipe them away.
He seemed to absorb my words for a moment, and looked around once more before  smiling sadly at the field.
"Well, you can't expect a town as old as this one not to carry a few scars, it seems almost fitting that this place filled with so many memories would have some damage to it"
It was strange to me to see him smiling so sadly, when all I've ever seen from him is that wide grin he always wears. Ive thought about it a lot, and the only way I can compare his smile is to that of the sun, the way he seems to brighten up the room, it's odd, and strangely comforting.
"Hey Sasuke, look at this"
Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned to see Naruto leaning over the edge of the very same cliff he fell down. Unpleasant memories flashed through my mind and suddenly all I wanted to do was leave.

"Naruto, it's getting late, we should go back to my house, besides they're gonna start fixing this place up soon".
Not waiting to hear his reply, I started walking back, hearing Naruto fall into step with me a moment later.
"I can't wait to see your house, and meet your brother!"
I could see the renewed excitement radiating off of Naruto as he adorned his signature grin, and couldn't help but smile back as I nodded.

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