Chapter Five

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Narutos Pov

We probably would have stayed like that all night, but it looked like we were both dead on our feet, and the rain was getting heavier by the minute. However, it didn't look as if sasuke would move, so, once I had stopped crying, I shuffled in, sasuke clinging to my back. I grabbed a blanket and laid on my bed a half-asleep Sasuke still clinging to me. "Sasuke, are you going to sleep like that?" I quietly questioned, and felt the tiniest of nods on my back, and soon I heard his breath begin to slow and knew he was asleep. Sighing, I closed my eyes and allowed darkness to claim me...

I couldn't stop staring at the water below the cliff, it was just so mesmerizing. I knew that the water was a large ways out of my reach, but I couldn't stop reaching for it, getting a little closer each time. I leaned in a little more. Just a little closer, I kept telling myself, knowing it wasn't true but enjoying the thought just the same. Suddenly I heard a voice calling me from a large distance away. It was Sasuke, and he didn't seem to know where I was. Turning away from the edge of the cliff, and my hand remaining on the edge. Sasuke shouted my name again , this time a little closer. I was about to respond, but just as I was getting up, putting all my weight on my hand it slipped from the edge and I fell forward, fear coursing through me as I screamed, followed by a sharp pain filling my head and I blacked out..

I woke up with a jolt, feeling someone shaking me as I bolted from the bed and against the wall, my throat sore as i realized that I'd been screaming. Breathing heavily, I put my hand against my heart and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. "Naruto, are you ok?" I heard and jumped at hearing it so close, opening my eyes to find a concerned looking Sasuke. Once i was breathing normally, I responded "yea, I just had a dream about me falling off the cliff when we were kids, you were calling my name, I turned to get up and my hand slipped and I fell". Just thinking about it had my heart racing and I was starting to feel a panic attack coming on when I felt a hand on mine. I looked up to face sasuke just as he gave me a hug, his arms tightening around me as he said "I'm sorry, its my fault you fell, its my fault your village is dead and your buildings destroyed and you have to rebuild it" he apologized over and over. I knew he would be doing this for a while, so I decided to cut it short by hugging him back even tighter and whispering "it doesn't matter anymore". He quieted, and rested his forehead on my shoulder. He rose and offered his hand to help me up, replying with "time to sleep" and I accepted it, and both of us climbed into bed, where we slowly drifted back to sleep...

--- time skip cause Gaara is impatient ---
Sasuke's Pov

As I woke up, I found a familiar sight, Naruto's bed empty. It had been a week since I started staying here and things had gone quite well, most of Mayuds buildings were completed and I had even helped repair some of them. Naruto had later given me a bed of my own so we wouldn't crowd each other. I rose from my bed, rubbing my eyes, and stepped outside, expecting to find a certain blonde hair blue eyed boy working on his village, but looked to find said boy on the edge of a hill, staring down at the water. My face contorted into pity and guilt, what it always did when I looked at Naruto without him knowing. I had caused so much unneeded heartache. I crept up to him seemingly unnoticed and sat next to him and he stared off into space. A few minutes passed by before he blinked and found me staring with him, and nudged my shoulder. Slowly, I looked back at him, only to find a small smile on his face as he spoke "so, you'll be going back home soon I assume?" I looked at him , a little caught off guard at the question before staring back out into the water. I didn't really want to leave, it was so peaceful here, but I don't belong in a place I destroyed. So, voicing my thoughts, I said "I don't think I belong in a place I destroyed, as much as I want to stay I don't think I sh--" and was cut off by Naruto's hand on my cheek. I looked at him in bewilderment as my heart skipped a beat , and there was a soft smile on his face as he said "I told you it doesn't matter anymore, if you want to stay then stay, but I won't force you" and got up to finish up fixing the village, leaving me to stare after him in amazement. After a minute, I smiled, and whispered "well, I guess that's it then" and ran to join him, a grin on my face all the while...

Hours later

Narutos Pov

Sinking to the ground next to my house, I sighed in contentment, stretching my legs out as Sasuke joined me on the floor. "Well, I think that about does it, this was how the village was before, I feel better" I said grinning at Sasuke. He turned around, at my words, then grinned back. "So, what do you want to do now?" Sasuke replied. I considered this for a moment, before gasping in excitement and shouting "we should go to the village with that field in it!". Sasuke's grin turned to shock. "Really? You want to go back there?" . I nodded, "I've been thinking about it, and I want to see it again at least once". Sasuke looked uncertain, but nodded, and we jumped up and raced for the blimp, grabbing my bag from the porch as I ran. As I climbed into the blimp, I looked at Sasuke in confusion as he messed with a metal looking contraption containing coal in the middle of the blimp. "What's that Sasuke?" I questioned as he shut the door on the funny looking contraption. He frowned, looking at the object before replying "its an engine, have you never used one before?". I shook my head, stepping closer to it, feeling the raw heat radiating from it and knowing it'd probably hurt like hell to touch if it felt this hot just being near it. I must have spaced out because I felt a hand on my arm and turned to see Sasuke. "Naruto, you know that if we go back, there's a chance you might not like what you see, or it might not be what you expected, right?" he said solemnly. I nodded, I had already thought of this. Stepping away from the engine, I sat down and watched as we rose from the ground and headed towards the village where my early childhood memories lie...

(A/N) I hope you guys liked this update, I was trying to figure out where to go from here and now I have a sort of direction, lemme know if you have any ideas for this story, I'm always open to suggestions. Bye my peeps!

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