Chapter Two - Not Our Favor

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"Let me put it this way. These weren't technically girls. More like women."

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This is Principal Hurst and good morning, the freshman class of 1995 and the others... Welcome to Redwood High School!

As kids in your time, this just might be the best year of your life. As your principal, I recommend you to join a handful of our many clubs and sports. Make this year a memorable one, freshies!

Everyone sits quietly as the announcements ended. Lita is too busy organizing her highlighters so they can align with her planner. She didn't look up until a girl enters the class ten minutes late. The same girl sits right next to her.

"Alright," Mr. Donald claps. "It feels great to finally see new faces. Sadly we'll only be seeing each other for two weeks. So within that short period, we all need to get to know."

Lita's eyes immediately brighten at the sound of socializing. It is her greatest aspect although out of a thousand new friends, she managed to keep two. Despite the doubt, she throws her hand in the air.

All eyes land on her little brown hand then her wide smile that was almost bigger than her face. "Uhm, I have no idea of your name ..."

"I'm Lita Michael and my favorite activity is imagining going to Forlodian. It's this alternate universe in the comic book series Goburt. It's all about Gakdigons and Lady Knights. There is thirty-eight series and all of them have different plot lines."

He waves his hand, motioning for her to sit down. "Thank you, that's enough. We only have thirty minutes to get through everyone." Her enthusiastic smile slowly fades as she sits down slowly. "Anyone else?" The girl next to Lita stands up too. Her all black clothing and smeared eyeliner would catch anyone's attention.

"I'm Beth," she waves to everyone with a lazy hand. She leans on her desk with both her hands while sizing up the class. "You all honestly don't look the least amount of intimidating." That said, she clears her throat and stands up straighter. "Forlodian is a planet with different shades of blue. The Gak Citizens developed in small bubbles that form within its core creating Baby Gak's which are the normal citizens. The weird thing is over time Gak Citizen's turn neon green-"

Lita jolts out of her seat. "-and suddenly their name is carved into their fleshy skin. The most popular Gak Citizen is Lawd Gak, oldest of the Gak Citizens. He loved Lady Linda, the Lady Knight who secretly married his son Dorgak and died traumatically." Lita shakes her head shamefully as the scene pops into her mind.

Beth's lips twist into a smile as she saw her new found friend expressing the emotion she didn't bother to show. "Five Baby Smopits!" Beth clapped making all eyes dart back to her.

"Was it five? I'm pretty sure it was nine," Lita is out of her seat in confusion.

"She killed four because of Lady Knight power? Duh!"


"I thought it was just me and my friends who even understood their language," Lita snorts and quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment.

Beth splays her hands toward Lita before scoffing. "You should see me when I'm laughing... like hard." The two keep a steady pace down the hall allowing Lita to lead the way. "So who are your friends?"

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