Chapter Five - Super Burn

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"Where is the part where I send you off?"

• • •

It is the day the outcast trio have been dreading. Staying up all night watching movies and rereading series twelve through twenty didn't make the situation any better.

"We have no freakin' plan," Simon is practically pulling out his hair. "You're going to go in there and get eaten alive. No wonder Dorgak assisted Lady Linda to other universes."

Lita gawks. "You're saying she couldn't do it on her own? Conquer Ilfendors and Marnukes without Dorgak?" Lita's fist digs into her hips as she becomes increasingly offended.

"Now is not the time for you to pull out your egalitarianism bull crap, Lita. You need me in there especially since it is my fault Christ came to bother us in the first place." Simon mutters, "he obviously wasn't satisfied when he threw my scrawny body into the locker."

"Bull crap? You started it. Suddenly you're becoming an egotistical moron thinking Lady Knight needed Dorgak. First of all, he wasn't the hero of his own story. His son was-"

"You obviously don't even know what that word means." He motioned to her head while chuckling. "Just allow me to clarify for you by assisting you in detention."

Rodney looks back and forth as his friends shot flames from their mouths. He couldn't help but figure the time wrong since both of them are standing in front of a detention room. "You know what I think-" Rodney holds a finger up but quickly moves it when Lita's hand goes flying through the air.

She slapped Simon's hand out of her face. "I don't need you to clarify. I can do this alone. Unlike someone who needs help fighting all their battles." With that, she twists around to face the door before inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"That's not how you win back Lady Linda," Rodney happily informs Simon.

Simon's face is red all over as he clenches his fist next to him. "She wants a comic book. I'll give her a freaking comic book."

"Simon, think about me! The dead Roygak!"

But it is too late. Simon walks up to the first student he saw which happened to be a girl. Then he slaps the binders and books from in her hand. The uptight female faces Simon with bewilderment.

"Mrs. Jenkins!?" His chest felt as if it would explode within the seconds it took her to identify him. "I just wanted to ask you a question about Biology..."

"Simon Dickerson!" It is now her fist clenching at her sides. "Lucky for you, the detention room is five steps to your right. Get. There. Now!"

Simon jitters at each word before darting across the hall. His gust of wind hit Rodney in the face, practically drying out his mouth. "Did they seriously leave me out here to wait for them? Luckily I'm a good friend." He props himself up against the wall and presses play on his Discman.

Meanwhile, Simon closes the door softly and looks around to all the students sitting in the individual desks. Some wear black makeup from head to toe while others look so brain dead he isn't sure they know where they are.

It didn't take him long to spot Lita who was in the very back with that scary looking girl he paid little attention to. He didn't even remember her name.

"What could a nerdy girl like you possibly do to end up in detention? Got into an argument with a teacher about how Lady Brin was an irrelevant character?"

Lita laughs softly. "Although she was, that ain't why I'm here. I purposely drenched Christ in coke for being a total fart-knocker."

Beth snorts which made Lita do the same thing. "You're the one who did that?" she pauses from laughing so hard. "I'm impressed. One, that you managed to ruin his golden locks and two, that he still goes by that name. I thought it would get old."

Simon approaches the two girls but squints at the brunette with a dark soul. "Lady Linda and... you." Beth and Simon roll their eyes after making contact with each other. "You want the book so I brought it to you, Lita."

"You really want me to be Lady Linda?" Simon nods urgently. "You're still a bit off though. They were married, Simon."

"Well then-"

"I'm not marrying you." She turns back to Beth who motions how crazy Simon is. Lita quickly agrees. "He's being the programmed Simon he always is."

Simon's mind scrambles as he tries to think of something. But his conscious mind keeps on drifting back to one solution. "Then be my girlfriend." This causes the two girls to jolt their heads to him. "Lita... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Alright bad examples!" The teacher in charge drops a large book on his desk shaking the entire room. "Face forward and shut your mouths. For one whole hour, you will be completely silent and working. If you say one peep then it's another day."

Lita darts her eyes from Simon to the front of the classroom. The look on her face shows a clear sign of rejection, but Simon wouldn't know the sure answer. Not until the hour is up.


Rodney wakes up from his spot on the ground when he hears chattering in his right ear. He uses his knee to assist him up as he saw students leaving their jail cell. He expects his friends to smile knowing they made it through. That wasn't the case. He got a grumpy Lita and stressed out Simon in return. "Is there something I need to be filled in about?"

"Your psycho of a friend just asked her out," Beth's monotone voice follows her around the corner. "I too am confused as to why she's twisted all up."

"You what!?" Rodney is now livid. He stands next to Lita who is visibly stressed out.

Lita smooths out her top whilst facing the nervous Simon. "You did it wrong." Simon scoffs at her words.

Simon looks at his watch to make sure he has enough time for this conversation. His dad will be pulling up any second and he didn't want to leave anyone in confusion. "Oh really? Where is the part where I send you off?"

Beth almost wet her pants when he said that. "My dude, I think that's the father's job. As she said before, she ain't marrying you. Which means she isn't-"

"I'll be your girlfriend, Simon."

Everyone excluding Lita spat out their imaginary water. "What!?" they synchronize.

"Yes, but you have to do boyfriend things. You have to prove to me that you want me to be your Lady Knight." She turned to face her chubby and still dumbfounded friend. "Now is your dad still taking me home, Rods?"

"Uhm, yeah. Yes! He said to meet him in the front."

"Bye, Beth and... boyfriend?" The word makes her cringe but she plays it off with a smile and a wave.

"I have some homework to do," Simon mutters to himself whilst ignoring Beth's glare is disgust.

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