Chapter Seven - Easy Love

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"Maybe after school we can recreate Season 12."

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"Shut up!" Her red manicured nails hit Lita on the arm hard enough to feel as if it was breaking through her skin. "How could you not believe it? It's like obviously true. I know ten people who voted you trendie. You gotta believe me."

She isn't sure how she got around to talking to Theresa especially since she's never heard of the girl in her life. It is just a peaceful Wednesday and Lita was waiting for her friends. Now she's getting her ear talked off by Theresa Thompson. A clone of Nicole, except she was dumber and carried way more blonde than red hair.

Lita listens to everything she has to say though. Only because she didn't exactly know how to get away. "I think Nicole is highly voted than I am. I mean, I just wear stripes and converse where ever I go." This makes Theresa laugh obnoxiously while smacking Lita's arm with her nails again.

In the distance, Simon and Rodney watch in amazement at the fact that she isn't trying to rip her ears out. Simon grips the straps of his Jansport bag in order to insert his nervousness anywhere else than inside his body. "It's bad timing to go over there now. She's talking."

Rodney shakes his head at the anxious yet distant boy. "I'd give you a fresh one if Lita didn't look as if she's taken enough already." In his short stance, he walks past Simon and over to his near-death friend. Due to standing alone awkwardly, Simon scurries behind him.

"I kid you not. Christian can be a total hoser like all day, but he's better than hanging out with those flamers you call friends. If you sit with us, you'll get so much of the credit. You might even get a totally worthy boyfriend like Evan. But you can't have Evan. Evan is mine."

"Sup?" Simon blurts the moment he stops in front of the two girls. Lita couldn't move fast enough to stand next to him. "I'm really looking forward to walking my girlfriend to class." He peers to Theresa who has her average confused face on. "My girlfriend, because that is what Lita is."

"Why are you talking to me like I'm not here?" Rodney chuckled at Lita's comment. "Well, I'll see you, Theresa, maybe later. I'm going to class with my friends."

Simon's eyes widen as he slowly looks to Rodney who remained unbothered. He then bends his knees to meet the shorter one's height. "Is she supposed to throw that word around?"

"Yeah, just you don't do it." Rodney whispers back which made Simon stick a thumbs up. "Let's go. We can't be late. They throw detention slips around like it's water." Rodney tugged at his friends who glitch at the feel of their hands brushing by each other.

"Too early," Lita smiles when she really wanted to scream. She tells herself she didn't like him this way but the violent beating in her chest left her thinking harder.

The three walk into the building without any problems from the bigger students. Simon is visibly relieved by this. "My dad flipped when I didn't tell him I got a ride from Rodney's dad."

"Why didn't you tell him?" Lita tries to scold her boyfriend but it came out in the same friend like way. "I mean, because that's tough on a parents heart."

Rodney silently agrees with the girl. Simon simply looks at her then shakes off the fact he stared for too long.

"I didn't want to bother your dad and ask for a phone. I already almost took his door off." Simon shoves his hands in his pockets with a huff. "But it was urgent that I get to Rodney's house that day."

"Holy crap, yeah! You should have saw it. He was pissed when he scored less than half percent of boyfriend material. We should have did research on how to be a better boyfriend." Simon then donkey kicks Rodney since he was third wheeling. "It's not my fault you aren't smooth with the ladies."

Simon rolls his eyes. "That's not the point. You weren't supposed to say anything!"

"I don't mind. I think it's cool you're actually trying this thing out."

Lita starts to reach for his hand. "Yeah, we have to make this comic book come to life. So that's why I'm doing it. Dorgak was every Lady Knight's dream." Then she pulls away.

"Yeah, the comic book. Maybe after school we can recreate Season 12." Everyone stops walking the second that sentence left Lita's mouth. "What?"

"That entire season revolved around Dorgak and Lady Linda's wedding," Simon is almost speechless as he sputters out the words.

"Yeah so?" She responds as of it is no big deal. And it is a big deal. "I'll see you guys when you both stop acting weird." She disappears into her classroom without another word.

"That was also their first kiss, Simon!" Rodney nudges him while laughing in his ear. "She's totally teasin' ya."

"Yeah, and soon to be mine too."

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