Chapter Four - Gak's and Knights

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"But I'm Dorgak. Dorgak isn't Dorgak without his Lady Linda!"

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"So if you're Lady Knight and he's Dorgak, what does that make me?" Rodney drops his pencil whilst going into deep thought. "I mean there is only one super cool Gakdigon and it's Roygak, but he died in season 5 along with his entire family."

Lita slowly nods along. "Major character death is no joke."

The eraser to her pencil pops off in her mouth due to chewing it recklessly. It was the fifth time she's read over her apology which she thinks is quite good.

"Okay, so how does this sound? Dear Principle Hurst, the incident that happened yesterday during lunch was purely intentional but it wasn't for just any reason. Christ and his clique were bullying my friends and I, like anyone trying to get out of a sticky situation, I acted on impulse."

She looked to Rodney who slowly devours each word. He then sticks a thumbs up and finishes off the bag of potato chips. "Direct and honest. High school teachers like that stuff, right?"

She sighs and folds the paper neatly. "I hope so. I'm running short of scratch paper to write a new one."

"I've also been thinking..." Rodney turns the page in the eighth season of The Alternate Universe of Forlodian before crinkling a corner to hold his place.

"You know, I've been thinking too. Detention is a place I've never been. Like a far away galaxy that Lady Linda has never traveled too without Dorgak. You know, she's the only Lady Knight who doesn't know what space feels like without her lover."

Rodney's eyes brighten. "That means you're more of a Lady Umo! She's been light years away from Forlodian by herself!" Lita and Rodney cheer at the exactness. "I'm pretty sure planet Priri HF was just like detention. Especially since it was evident Eons are pretty annoying."

Lita scoffs before whispering under her breath, "maybe you're an Eons."

"What did you say?" Rodney squeezes a bit of his apple juice on her making Lita squeamish. "You called me an Eons!?"

She is laughing way too hard to apologize like she even is going to. "As if! You totally heard me wrong." She manages to catch her breath.

Simon came back from his drawn out shower as the two were spraying apple juice all over his room. "Dudes! Chill it with the juice. I just cleaned the carpets from when you two sucked at aiming the syrup at your pancakes."

Lita downs the rest of her juice before throwing it to the garbage while falling backwards. "Did it make it?" she winces.

Rodney crawls over to inspect the area around the trash. "Uh, yeah!"

"Boo yah!" She cheers while throwing all four of her limbs in the air. She then sits up to see Simon combing his hair flat as usual.

"What did I miss?" He slid his glasses back on his face and comfortably adjusts himself on his bed to face his friends.

"Rodney and I were settling our characters in the Goburt comics. Turns out I don't fit the role of Lady Knight since she's never traveled out of Forlodian without Dorgak. Detention is like a completely different planet but you won't be in it."

"Priri HF for example," Rodney made sure to add.

Simon's face shows complete disbelief of the new information. "But I'm Dorgak. Dorgak isn't Dorgak without his Lady Linda!" His flailing arms could catch the neighbors attention. "It doesn't have to be exactly like the series."

Rodney's tongue clicked in disagreement. "That's not what you said over the phone this summer." This causes Simon to throw a pillow. "Plus, Lady Linda and Dorgak were married for fourteen hundred years. You two aren't even dating."

Rodney's words strike silence through out the entire room. Lita tries to think of a way to make everyone happy, but she knows Rodney had a point. "Lady Omu it is."

"This is freakin' unfair! Lady Omu doesn't even have any teeth!"

"My bad, dude. It's just majority rules," Rodney holds his hands up to surrender then grabbed the remote. "Alien 3."

"God, we've scene it ninety times. We all know its brutal." Lita groans yet settles next to Simon any way to enjoy the movie.

Rodney has the volume up the loudest it could go which made everything else around them a blur. Except for Simon, he focuses on the expressions Lita gave to the movie as if she was the movie itself.

Anyone could look at him and tell he was crazy for having this much guts to stare at his best friend the way he is. As if she was the world or someone who needs to be protected. In his heart she is more than that. She is his Lady Linda and he would do anything to keep it that way.

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