Chapter Three - Low Expectations

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"You hear that? I just made you all my slaves."

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"He has us sitting on complete opposite sides of the classroom almost like he assumes we'll talk the entire class away, which is totally not probable since I have dual senses. Like right now I'm talking to you both about how awful English class is while Lita drools over Christ who almost killed me in front of everyone!"

Out of anger, Simon pushes Lita's arms off the table which was holding up her head. Her whole body fell forward; arms holding onto the tabletop for support. "Chill out Simon! Every human in here knows Christ is stylin'. I mean who wouldn't want to be the girl to wear his Avirex and smell his Coty inspired cologne." She continues to stare at him in a daze.

"What are you even talking about? Lady Linda? Come back to Forlodian!" He waves his hand in her face making her slap them away.

Rodney shakes his head at the girl before turning around to see exactly what she was seeing, but he couldn't. Simon even got a glance in just for Christ to stare directly into his soul. His chair leg almost snaps due to the force he applies to it trying to turn around.

"My mom packed Ritz!" Rodney shakes his single serving bag in the air just for it to get snatched out of his hands.

Lita is in shock seeing that just happen to him. It is no surprise the culprit was Christ himself. "You want me to give it back?" He slaps Rodney's bucket hat right off the top of his head allowing his wild blonde curls to disperse in every direction. "Well, I'm not." He rips the bag open allowing a few crumbs to fly.

Simon is as still as a statue in his seat hoping he will be invisible by now. Lita gulps just by seeing how nervous her friend instantly became. "Wuh- what do you want?" Rodney stutters while placing his hat back on his head. "I also have Roll-Ups if that'll-" those were also smacked from his hand.

"You think I want something from you losers! I see you buggin' so I wanted to find out wassup?" He pulls out a seat next to Simon who almost faints. "And you," he nudges the poor boy. "You starin' at my girl?"

"Your girl?" Lita blurts as her eyes dart to one of the three girls watching the show Christ was starring in.

"My. Girl." Christ stands up and snaps his fingers louder than any normal human should. A red-headed, hoop wearing woman makes her way across the cafe. She sits right on his lap as if she owns the table and she probably owns all of them. "Nicole, meet the losers." He holds up a hand causing the cafeteria to go silent. "You hear that? I just made you all my slaves."

Simon looks at Lita who gives him the look they only had to use when the other's parents were pulling into the house after telling them they are to have no company. It signals them to either hide or make a run for the backyard. Rodney caught on quickly and tightens his hat as if he could. While Christ and Nicole are giving each other love eyes, Lita drags her pop under the table and starts to shake it vigorously.

"Are you sure Chris? They ain't even all that. I mean look at this guy's poor face." She squeezes Rodney's chubby cheeks together making him whimper in embarrassment. "I might just add him to my membership."

"Roll out!" Rodney jumps up fast enough for his chair to flip over completely. Simon scrambles around for a bit, but when the brown liquid fills the air, he is gone. The only thing left was Nicole's screaming being drowned out by everyone else.

Lita stays a little while longer just to see the look of pure horror on their faces. "Sweet," she fist pumps while turning around just to smack dead into someone's chest.

By the grey hair on his head, he isn't a student that would hopefully let her off the hook. Christ then steps from behind him with pop dripping from his hair making it a sticky brown color despite the strands of blonde that didn't get touched.

"My office Miss... uhm... student." With her head hanging low, she walks past him and follows the directions to the main office.


"Shut up. Don't say that." Lita pauses in front of the doorway as she hears the sound of her friends' bickering. "She isn't going to jail, Rods."

"It's close to it." They both jump at the sound of her voice. "I got detention for tomorrow after school. They wouldn't even let me explain why I did what I did." Lita pretends to sob into Rodney's shoulder. He was too short so her back started to ache immediately.

Simon points to his shoulder causing her to switch humans. "Dorgak?" she mutters faintly. "Let's kill us some Smopits."

"Is this the battle of the Infinite Global Gorgor?" Rodney grabs both their wrist and gives them a little shake.

Simon peers down at his youngest best friend before lifting his hands in the air. The other two did the same before doing their signature three person hand clap. "Special edition!"

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