Chapter Eight - Rice To Throw

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"I forgot to get your dad's blessing."

• • •

"Simon. This isn't real." Rodney spins around in Lita's desk chair as he tries to calm his older friend down. "But since we're on the topic. I'm pretty sure you're the one who said you prefer older women?"

The faint giggling from the living room made Simon jump from his thoughts. Rodney looks over his shoulder to make sure his friend didn't hurt himself. "What do you think they're doing?" Rodney says as his attention trails to the cup of decorated pens and pencils on her desk.

"Making her look... different." Simon's jaw drops and as Rodney got up, his does too. "Lita-"

Lita's hair is pinned up in a tight bun and her mother's navy green dress covers her body. The silver glitter makeup outlines her eye which reminds them of Lady Linda when she makes an appearance in the series. Simon gulps at the sight which makes Lita nervous that all eyes were on her.

Beth rolls her eyes at the scene before dropping the eyeliner on Lita's desk. "So are we going to make this official or not? People have actual homework to do."

Simon stands up to adjust his bow tie while Beth takes a seat on the bed as if she's the audience. "Beth is right," Rodney verbally agrees. "Lets get this show on the road."

Simon went over the scene of Dorgak with Lady Linda on the night of their secret wedding. As for Lita, she tries her best to prevent the dress from riding up her knees. She didn't want her rear end on display when they do their official ceremony of appreciation.

Beth watches in boredom while flipping through a few comic books to refresh her memory. It wasn't until Lita and Simon sit on their knees that she finally gains the interest. The two them hold hands while Rodney towers over them with season twelve of Goburt in his sweaty hands.

"Priest Libgak got paid twenty three thousand dirkets to marry the two while I'm free. So don't expect anything fancy."

Simon rolls his eyes in a hurry to get this over with. His hand is beginning to produce enough sweat to make everyone drown. When he looks at Lita, the smile on her face was so passionate he starts to wonder if she even notices.

"I stand here in betrayal yet justice to bring our two strongest Gak Citizens in one bonding journey to love and cherish each other despite the differences that will tear you two apart. On my right I have Dorgak, a survivor of Baby Smopits-"

Lita's hand shoots through the air causing Rodney to peel his eyes over the comic. "Can I request that you use our real names and real stories." The two look at Simon who was wide eyed and shaking. "If that's okay with you, Simon?"

"Huh? I mean... yeah. Anything."

Rodney clears his throat before returning to the magazine. "On my right, I have Simon Dickerson. Survivor of his first detention and co-leader of the pack. On my left, I have Lita Michael. Also a survivor of detention and has a future goal to complete the defeat of Christ!" Beth snorts in the background which makes Lita cover her mouth to prevent from doing the same.

Simon grimaces at the fact the Beth actually shows up here ruining everything. "Skip ahead, Rods!" He swirls his hand in the air impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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