Chapter 1 ~ See Him Again

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Skylar's POV

"Sky, let's go!" My best friend, Kathy calls from outside.

"Ok! I'm coming, god you can be so annoying from time to time!"

"If we're late for basketball practice again, coach is going to kill us!"

"Calm down!" I yell as I walk out of the house. I hopped into the car with Kathy. Her mom started driving and we turned on the radio. "Here's Darren Espanto with his new single Build a Girl!" The person on the radio announced. Wait, back up, Darren Espanto? There's a name I thought I'd never have to hear again. I remember him as one of my childhood friends, my best friends.

"Sky! Sky! Sky!"

"Huh? Ya?" 

"Let's go!" I guess I zoned out for a second there. 

"I'm coming,"I say. We walk out of the car and head into the gym for practice. We play for The Calgary Black Hawks, a competitive basketball team. I'm the point guard and Kat is the small forward. I guess you can say we're good.


"Everyone gather around," Coach says. We all walk closer to the middle to see what he has to say. "Today my nephew is coming to visit. He will be attending every practice for the next year, so welcome Darren." 

"Coach what's the purpose of Darren coming? It's not like he's a professional baller," I say.

"Jerome, like you, he was the point guard for a team and he's been playing basketball since he was 3. I think you and him will get along great."

"Whatever," I say as I look at my nails.

"Darren get in here!" Coach yells. At that moment, I see a face I haven't seen in a long time. He's grown a lot taller and he looks really handsome. What am I saying? Skylar, he's the jerk that left you 3 years ago.

"Hi guys, I'm Darren Espanto and I hope I can learn a lot from your team."

"That's enough talking," Says Coach, "Team captains today are Darren and Skylar." 

"I pick Kat." I say

He points at someone and she joins his team. We separate the rest of the team and start to play an actual game. Half court rules of course. 

Coach tosses the ball up in the air, and our team gets the ball. They pass it to me and I dribbled it up to the half court line, waiting for someone to get open. I fake a left pass and pass it to the person on my right. I run to the right side with Darren using passive defense. Suddenly, someone passes to me and Darren startd coming closer. I run past him and made a lay-up, scoring a point for my team. I look back and smirk at Darren and I saw him with his mouth wide open.

"What? Just cuz I'm a girl means I can't play ball?"

 Darren's POV

After Basketball practice with the girls, I waited outside for Skylar so I could talk to her. I waited a long time and after a while, I was about to leave when she came out with Katherine.

"Hey Sky, I-" 

"Save it, I have nothing to say to you."

"But I-"

"Get away from me, you jerk!" She ran off to the sidewalk and waited for her mom's car to come. Kathy just stared at me throughout the whole thing.

"Katherine, I need your help."

"I don't even know what's going on." she said.

"Please, I don't have time to explain and I really need all of Skylar's accounts. Like her facebook, twitter, instagram, kik, email, just give me everything." She stared at me wondering if she should trust me. 

"Fine" she finally said. She wrote down all Skylar's account names on a piece of paper and handed it to me, "I don't know why you need it but I'm trusting you." 

"Thanks" I said and ran off to find my uncle. 


A/N: Hope you guyz liked the first chapter :D

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Published: June 14, 2014
Edited: January 6, 2015

Promises Or Lies? (A Darren Espanto Story) (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora