Chapter 2 ~ I'm Sorry

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Darren's POV

That night, I looked up all of Skylar's accounts and left a message on most of them, hoping that she will reply. I just need her to talk to me. Even if it's only a word. I don't know what's going on and why she hates me so much. I told her that I would be leaving, it wasn't a surprise.

That night, I fell asleep with the thought of her on my mind, thinking about all the fun we had, the water balloon fights, go cart races, videogame competitions and that one time I kissed her under a tree. All those memories I'll never forget.


Beep....... Beep...... Beep!

I throw a pillow at my alarm clock and it finally stopped ringing. Suddenly, my sister Lynelle walked in the room.
"Kuya, wake up!" I opened my eyes to find the little angel sitting on top of me.
"Okay Lynelle, let's go downstairs to eat breakfast." Lynelle and I walked downstairs and sat down at the table to eat our pancakes. After I brushed my teeth and got dressed, me and my mom walked to Greenview Secondary School for my first day of grade 7 back in Canada.
We walk to the office to get my schedule and I noticed I got locker 17, which just so happened to be my lucky number. (Not really)
I said bye to my mom and walked to my homeroom, room 267-Mrs. Hernandez. I walked to the front of the class to talk to the teacher.
"Excuse me Mrs.Hernandez?"
"I'm a new student here and I was put in your class."
"You must be Darren Espanto."
"That would be me." I grin.
"Nice meeting you. Find an empty seat and sit down." She says with a smile on her face.
I found an empty seat in the 3rd row and sat down.

Skylar's POV

I walked into homeroom and look around for an empty seat. I then realize that the only empty seat was beside......... Darren Espanto? Since when did he go to school here? I sat down in the seat beside him and anxiously waited for class to start so it could be over sooner.
The bell rings, and the class finally starts.
"Good morning class." Mrs.Hernandez says.
"Good morning Mrs.Hernandez." We all say in unison.
"Today we have a new student here. Everybody give a warm welcome to Darren Espanto. Darren, please stand up and introduce yourself to the class."
"Hi, I'm Darren Espanto and I was born here in Calgary and moved to the Philippines and now I'm back in Canada. My hobbies are playing Basketball and singing."
"Would any of you like to show our new student around?" Mrs.Hernandez asks.
No one raises there hand or says anything.
"Fine then I guess I'll just assign someone to." She says.
She scrolls through something on her computer and types some things in.
Finally, she says,
"Skylar, you have all your classes with him and your locker is right beside his, so you might as well show him around."
"I sigh and finally say, "Okay."


The first half of the day goes by like a blur. Darren has been following me around all day long and now it's finally time for lunch.
"Darren, if you want, you can sit with us at lunch." I say to be nice, even though I really shouldn't even be nice to this jerk.
"Uh, sure." He says.
"Okay, great let's go sit down then." I walk towards the cafeteria. But I'm then stopped by Darren.
"Can I talk to you?"
"I don't have anything to say to you."
"Please, just listen to me." He says while dragging me into the janitor's closet with him.

Darren's POV

"Please, Just listen to me." I say while dragging her into the janitor's closet with me.
"Fine, I'm already here anyways."
"I'm sorry Sky, I never should've left you here alone. I didn't want to, but what could I do?" I said with tears in my eyes.
"You think sorry is enough? Ever since you were gone, I was bullied and there was no one there to save me. Everyone teased me and made fun of me. Where were you? That's right off having fun! You left me here alone!" She said with tears streaming down her face. I tried to wipe her tears away but she swatted my hand away.
"I know I wasn't there for you then but I'm here for you now and I promise I will never ever ever leave you again." I looked down and tried to hide my tears.
She stared at me and started to cry. I pulled her into a hug and tried to comfort her but she pushed me away.
"Please Sky!"
She thought about it for a while and finally said,
"I'm giving you one more chance." A sigh or relief escaped my mouth.
I put my arm around her shoulders and walked to the cafeteria with her.
I guess Skylar and I are friends again.


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That's it! Enjoy the next chapter of Promises or Lies!

.-. Muzic_R3B3L .-.

Published: June 14, 2014
Edited: February 6, 2015

Promises Or Lies? (A Darren Espanto Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now