Chapter 17 ~ Together At Last (And JK Is Here Too)

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Hey guys, I've deleted the chapter about Katherine going on vaca with Darren which means sadly, Katherine and Skylar will not meet. So yeah. I just thought both stories should continue please respect my decision. BTW im going to start doing something that will help other people's books. I'm going to dedicate each and every chapter of my books to an author of an amazing Darren or JK fanfic and I hope you go read them. This one is dedicated to Miyaka_26


Skylar J.

I waited outside for JK and his uncle to come pick me up. After a while, I saw a black Elantra pull up into my driveway in the rain. I covered my head with a jacket and ran to the car. I opened the back door and got in the car.
"Hi. It's nice to finally get to meet Karlos's uncle," I said to the man in the driver's seat.
"It's nice to meet you too," he said.

We drove to the airport with me and JK singing to the radio.
(A/N: that right there is horrible grammar but JK and I just doesn't sound right so too bad.)
We got out of the car and said our goodbyes to his uncle. We walked into the airport and did all the passport, security checks and whatever and finally got on the airplane. He gave me the window seat so I can enjoy the view.
"Attention all passengers, we are going to take off in 5 minutes so please put on your seat belts and turn off all electronic devices until the plane is up and stable." We both put away our phones and laptops and waited for the plane to take off. I looked out the window and wow, the view was amazing.
I think it's time to tell him how I feel. I turn towards him and tap him on the shoulder.
"JK, I've had feelings for you for a while but, I'm not sure if they're real or they're just something that won't be there forever."
"To tell you the truth, I kind of liked you too but I could sense that you liked Darren more and what I was feeling, wasn't real. I think of you as a little sister and nothing more." (A/N: did I forget to mention that JK and Darren are both a year older than her? Aha she's my age)
"Then I guess we're brother and sister," I said. I guess my life is back in order now. Thank you so much JK.
I leaned on my 'brother's' shoulder and drifted off to sleep listening to songs by Jason Chen, who I will be able to meet tomorrow.
I woke up to someone tapping me on the shoulder.
"Sky, wake up. We landed." I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. I got up and tried to grab my bag, which resulted in me getting crushed by it. "Oh my god, you have to be more careful." He grabbed the bag off of me and swung it over his shoulder. He helped me up and guided me to the opening of a plane. (A/N: I don't know what it's called even though I just studied it this year.)

We got into the Los Angeles airport and looked for our bags. After a few minutes we found them on the conveyer belt. We grabbed them and walked to find Darren and his dad who came instead of his mom. We walked closer to the entrance and Spotted them closer to the doors. Darren and I met eyes for a few seconds. He ran over to me and gave me a hug that you would never be able to breathe in. "LET.........GO...............OF........ME!" I said while struggling to get out. He still didn't let go and was hugging me even tighter and tighter. I looked over at JK and he was laughing his head off. I managed to choke out the words, "I.......Will.......Get..........You!" He made a run for it and hid behind Darren's dad, while I was still in a bone crushing hug with Darren. He hugged me until the point where I swear I almost fainted and he finally let go. I dropped to the ground and rested for a while. Darren started laughing so hard because of what he did. He ran away as fast as possible and hid behind JK who was behind his dad who was also laughing. 

After I could finally breathe properly again, I ran to where Darren was and I tackled him onto the ground and sat on him. He tried to push through me to get me to get up but I was pushing all my weight down so there was no chance of him getting up. 

After a while of him struggling and trying to push me off, his dad finally came to his rescue by lifting me up and taking me to the car. JK followed behind with the bags and Darren crawled behind him, out of breath. We finally got in the car and Darren and I sat in the back while JK sat in the passenger seat and Darren's dad sat in the driver's seat. 

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