Chapter 12 ~ Chasing Her

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Darren E.

"Mom, did you know Skylar's family was moving to Kingston?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen
"Yes, but Skylar wanted to be the one to tell you so I couldn't say anything."
"Can we move too?"
"Why? We're perfectly happy here." 
"Love mean nothing to me when the one I'm in love with is 3000 kilometers away from me."
"It's called a long distance relationship and I think you should work on it. Besides, she's only on the other side of of the country. It's not like she's on the other side of the world." 
"I don't care what you have to say about that but I'm following her," I say, determined.
"Fine. You and your dad can go to Kingston but you're coming back in a month."
"Thank you so much mom." I give her a hug and run upstairs to start packing for Kingston.

-In Kingston-

"Dad, do you know where Skylar lives now?" I anxiously ask. I look out the window and try to guess which house it is.
"I got the address but I have no idea how to get there from our hotel. I guess we'll just use the GPS."

We drove another hour until we got to where she lives now. I got out of the car and asked Sky's mom where she is. 
"Uh, Skylar is at the park around the corner."
"Thank you Mrs.Jerome." I turn towards my dad. "Dad, I'm going to go find Skylar."
"OK, don't get lost." 

Skylar's POV

"Skylar! Skylar! SKYLAR!!!" I heard a familiar voice yell. But it couldn't be him. I thought I left him in Calgary. I stopped walking and turned around to see him. I ran, I ran far and fast from everything, I had the energy to cause after all, I am an athlete. 
I finally stopped when I got inside the opened fences of a school. I started to shoot some free throws and practiced my lay ups and three pointers. Then, suddenly, Darren appeared again. 
"What do you want, stop following me! Didn't I make it clear that I never ever wanted to see you again?" I threw the ball I was holding at him and I ran again. This time, I ran until I got to a field of grass (not a soccer field) I laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep

Darren's POV 

I grabbed her basketball and chased after her. I chased her until I lost her somewhere. I saw a big field of grass right in front of me, and in the middle was Skylar sleeping. 

I put down her basketball beside her and set up my things so I could sing a special song to her. I also had a promise ring in my pocket. SH! Don't tell my parents that.

Finally, after a while, she woke up. 

Skylar's POV 

I woke up on a field of perfectly cut green grass and I saw my basketball beside me. I thought I threw that at him. I sat up and saw him standing a few metres away from me. I tried to get up but that jerk tied me down with........ Grass?

Then of course like always expected, he started singing,

"I, I'm feeling your thunder
The storm's getting closer
This rain is like fire
And my, my world's going under
And I can't remember
The reason that you cut off the line

You're moving on, you say
Here I stay
I'll take this pain
Yeah, I can I can

What about love?
What about our promises?
What about love?
You take it all and leave me nothing
What about love?
What about us to the end?
What about love?
You cut my wings, now I am falling
What about love? What about love?

Why you're colder than winter?
You're switching the picture
You used to be perfect, yeah (yeah)
Once you're hot like the summer
Please help me remember
The reason that you said, "Bye bye bye"

You're moving on, you say
Here I stay
I'll take this pain
Yeah, I can, I can

What about love?
What about our promises?
What about love?
You take it all and leave me nothing
What about love?
What about us to the end?
What about love?
You cut my wings, now I am falling
What about love? What about love?

Sky, I promised you that we'd always be together and that with me, you would always be happy. I meant it. So you running off like that, what about our love?"

"It doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Not after that journal. You mean nothing to me. You sung a song for me and now it's over. Okay? Everything's over."

"No it's not." He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring and said, "Skylar Jerome,
Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This is love, it's clear to see
So darling, stay with me. 
This ring shows how much more I love you and I promise I won't ever do anything like that again."
"If this is all for a dare, it's not funny." I cross my arms over my chest, and I skeptically look at him.
"Just believe it. It's real."
"Okay." He walked up to me and cut the grass 'ropes' off. He then puts the ring on my finger. 

Darren's POV 

So this is what being in love really feels like. 
I never wanna let her go and I won't ever have to. 
"The only problem is were always going to be over 3000Km apart. How will this even work out?"
"If it was really meant to be, we would love each other even if we're 3000Km apart," she simply says.
"I will."
"And so will I."


Published: July 23, 2014
Edited: May 24, 2014

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