Author's Note

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Dear Readers (Silent or Otherwise),

First off, thank you for choosing Under an Alaskan Moon to read! I'm delighted to have your company on our journey! Be prepared for some gruesome scenes for those vegans out there. We bacon-lovers might not have as much of an issue. But however, we are dealing with wolves here. They're known carnivores.

That being said, I, Scarlett McLeod, Gaelic in origin and lady of my castle will call all my furry friends, wolves ect... to hunt and otherwise kill and devour those of you that attempt to steal this book. Under an Alaskan Moon is purely fictional, (Obviously, werewolves don't actually exist.  Unless, do they??). This book is mine, end of story, and is a work of my overactive imagination and wish for werewolves to be real.

Comments and criticism are welcome but do keep rude or uncharitable comments to yourselves. As Thumper off of Bambi said, "Mama said if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Of course if you notice errors in spelling, or inconsistencies please point those out so I can fix it. That's not rude. I am a lousy editor when it comes to my own work and need all the help I can get.

So without further ado, get ready for some sexy caveman antics, and a feisty heroine with some badly frightened chickens.

Welcome to Under an Alaskan Moon!!


Scarlett McLeod

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