Meeting you. Part 1 🇬🇧

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You were spending the weekend in London for your birthday. It was Saturday morning ,you'd already been there for one night. You were there alone ,since you decided upon going on your own for some me time as well as celebrating your birthday.
You had just gone to get breakfast and you were walking with your coffee in one hand.
You were looking around ,people watching ,but not really paying much attention to where you were going.
Suddenly someone crashes into you and your coffee is spilled all down your front ,all over your clothes.
"Hey ,watch where your....." , you begin to say as you look up to find out who it was that had soaked you in your own drink , but you stop talking as soon as you realise who it was, Niall Horan . "I am so so sorry" he kept apologising and you kept on reassuring him that it was ok. "Seriously, please let me buy you another one" , he had been pleading with you for the past five minutes and you finally give in while trying to remain calm and collected. You both begin to walk back to the coffee shop. "So .....what brings a pretty girl like you around these parts?" He asks as he begins to make conversation with you. You blush ,did he really just call you pretty?, You are confused at what he meant be 'these parts' but before you could think about it for to long he gave an  answer. "I mean I presume you are from out of town , right?" ,he looks at you awaiting a response. "Yea, I'm actually visiting for my birthday" , "oh really? , on your own? For how long?" He asked intrigued and then concerned.  "Yea , well , welcome to my life" you say jokingly "and three weeks". and he is still listening intently. "You shouldn't be spending your birthday on your own." He said with sadness in his eyes. "Please.... let me spend it with you?" He asks. Surely this isn't real life.
"In fact ...I won't take no for an answer." He smiles at you , "then ...yes...ok" you say chuckling.
You reach the coffee shop and Niall pays for your new drink and one for himself and you sit and talk for what feels like hours.....because it was.
You were both laughing and smiling, and you were finally feeling happiness like you hadn't felt in a long time.  You learn all about each other, he learns that you were actually a fan. But you felt comfortable around him , like he was a close friend and had been for years. And he didn't seem to care about that either. He just seemed happy to be spending time with someone that wasn't asking for something from him. What you'd maybe call 'normal company'.
You finish up in the coffee shop , Niall puts your empty cups in the trash. And joins you at the door and you both leave. "Join me for dinner?" He asked in an almost pleading tone of voice, like he didn't want to part ways like you were about to. "Really? Are you sure?", you ask , not wanting to be any trouble. "Yea, come on. I'll cook us something nice and we'll watch some movies, it'll be a grand ol time." He smiled but then his eyes saddened again "I can't let you be alone, especially on your birthday and especially in this place" (her birthday isn't actually on this day , he means in general spending her birthday trip alone), you look at him and smile. "Ok... I'd really like that", he smiled back relieved. Things like this just don't happen to girls like me.  "Right this way then" Niall said giggling. You followed him to his home. The brisk London air nipped at your shoulders and Niall noticed you shiver. He removed his jacket placing it gently around your shoulders and he then placed his arm around you keeping you close. You felt the warmth of niall's jacket and his body holding yours, you could smell his cologne resigning deep within the fibres. It quickly became your favourite scent.
He chatted contently to you about this and that. He spoke about his world tour he is soon to go on and how excited he was about it. He spoke about the fans and how sweet it was that they still had faith instilled in them as a band and that if there was a way for them to regroup he would have found it. He spoke with utmost pride and you were happy that he was happy. You were nearly at niall's place when he turned his head towards you and asked "are you coming t any of the shows?" ,he was smiling and had such hope in his eyes, you felt evil that you were about to let him down. "I wish I was, I truly do. But I couldn't find the money for tickets. I'm just about living" , you chuckled with slight frustration with yourself. "Nonsense." He continued "you'll be there with me. leave it with me." He winked and smiled like an adorable little mad man. You asked yourself again how on earth this was happening, and to you of all people. How is it that Niall wants to spend my birthday with me.
You arrive at niall's and he unlocks the door and holds it open for you , "after you" he smiled. You walked inside and he walked in after you and closed the door. Your mouth fell open when you saw the place, it was nothing like you had expected. Actually you don't know what you expected. The house was well kept and pristine. the decor surprised you, it was very Art Deco and modern. You could tell it was high end but it was nothing like you would expect of a celebrity's house, it was beautiful but ....normal, just slightly bigger.
You followed niall to the kitchen and sitting room.
He cooked you both dinner and you both happily ate and chatted some more. He put your dishes away and you do the headed for the sitting room.
Niall made you watch Greese first because it's his favourite movie, you have an amazing time singing along and laughing. Then you decide to calm things down a bit. You both decided on The Holiday, because you both loved that movie and it was getting to that time of year. You don't know how it happened but before Long you found yourself cosied up on the sofa next to Niall, he had his arm around you and your head was rested on his shoulder. And you both were enjoying the movie. You felt your eyes getting heavy and you soon found yourself sound asleep in niall's embrace.  He looked at you and smiled, he watched you sleep for a few minutes while thinking to himself 'she is beautiful, I can't believe she doesn't see it in herself. She is really one of a kind. I know it's crazy but I hope she sticks forever. this morning she was a stranger and now she is sleeping in my arms. I don't know how it happened but I am glad it did'.  He watched the end of the movie and then turned the tv off. It was getting kind of late but he didn't want to wake you. Partly because he didn't think it would be fair to wake you when you looked so peaceful , but mostly because he was scared that if he did you would leave , and he wanted you to stay.
Niall manoeuvred the blanket that was on the floor closer to him with his foot and picked it up with his spare hand. He laid you down gently on the sofa keeping his arm in place and he got himself comfortable beside you wrapping the blanket over you both and then placing his other arm around your front. And he drifted of to sleep , inhaling the sweet smell of your perfume on your neck as he did. He learned quickly that it was his favourite scent.

Stars. (a Niall Horan Imagine book, and a few 1D in there too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now