You belong here with me 💏

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Niall + Sophia - for @onederlandplanet ❤️

Niall had been away on tour the past few months. You had texted and spoken on the phone everyday since he'd been away.
You missed him so much, and he never let you forget how much he missed you too.

He wasn't due back home till tomorrow, you where so close to being back together again. But still you wanted it to come quicker.
You missed his strong arms and his soft lips. You missed him keeping you warm at night and where so sick of his side of the bed being empty, of the house being empty ..and quiet.
Too quiet.
You were sat on the couch waiting for Niall to call, like he had done every night since being away.
You where watching something random on tv when you heard the familiar sound of your ringtone that you'd set up just for niall's calls. It made you jump but immediately you were excited and answered the call, hurriedly pulling the phone to your ear. 'Niall' you spoke 'soph' he said back to you through the phone. 'I miss you so much' , 'I miss you too' you said in a hushed voice. 'It's been incredible...meeting everyone...and being with playing with the band....John and the lads.' He said 'but it's not the same without you here' his tone sounding sad. You listened ,comforted by the sound of his voice. You sniffled ,tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Niall could tell and he immediately spoke up. 'Hey ..hey, don't cry princess. .... I have a surprise for you. Go and open the front door...bring me with you' he said , and you could hear him smile.
You placed your hand on the door handle and pulled it open.... and shock. You lifted your had to cover your mouth and happy tears began to spill down your cheeks.
'Sophia' Niall said with a smile. And with that you ran into his arms, jumping, and wrapping your legs around him. Hugging him tight and him hugging you. He spun you around in his arms. You nuzzled into his neck and him in yours and He kissed yours.
You then jumped back down but still didn't let go.
After a while you pulled away , but not for long. Both of your lips met, it was the most beautiful kiss, full of love and passion, it felt like it lasted forever and if you where completely honest you didn't want it to.
But when it did he took his thumb and wiped your tears away gently with it and he hugged you once more.
You were so so happy that he was back home with you again.

Stars. (a Niall Horan Imagine book, and a few 1D in there too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now