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>>Bailee's POV<<

Once again, I drag myself out of bed and stumble to the bathroom for a quick shower. After six years, I still find myself letting the tears fall as the hot water rains down on me, blending my waterworks and muffling my cries. Being a single mom is something I never imagined I would have to be, it never crossed my mind once. Yeah that's right.

I'm a single mom.

Justin and I divorced six long, torturous years ago. The rumors broke us apart with the aid of my lifestyle. It became too much for him, too dangerous. We fought that last night and he stormed out, suitcase in hand back to his parents house. Not long after, Daisy and her little family moved in with me to try and fill the void. The void is still present and the hole in my heart is clear for everyone to see. Neither of us have created much music and we haven't spoke to each other, not even a glance in the other's direction has been made. "Aaliyah, Titan, breakfast is ready!" I hear Daisy call from the kitchen breaking me of my thoughts, reminding me that I'm still in the shower and now out of hot water. The scars from my last few days with my ex-husband, the day Brianna and I both were hit by automobiles, are very evident even to this day. The 12-inch scar on my right leg, the knot over to the side of my spine, the still tender purple-tinted area right below my temple reaching down to the top of my jawline, and my still tender, damaged heart. Throwing on an old sweatshirt with bleach spots and sweatpants with a rip at the bottom of the legs, I threw my hair up messily in a bun. Can you tell I don't care about my appearance anymore? Used to, I would even dress up just to lay around on the couch all day; not anymore.

"Mornin sunshine, your food is on the table." Daisy greeted me as I entered the kitchen. "Mommy!" My five year old yelled with an ear to ear smile, her eyes shining a bright caramel like her father. "Hi, baby girl." I sat down beside her and dug in, my stomach talking to me. "Guess what?" She whispered cutely, motioning me over to tell me a secret.

"Daddy's here."

My heart stopped. My head snapped over to Daisy who had yet to tell me this new profound information. "Tori! Corey! Faith!" Titan and Aaliyah ran out of the kitchen when the front door opened to reveal eight people. One of which, I've tried so hard to forget no matter how much my heart continues to beat for him and only him. He looked around, taking in the surroundings that haven't changed much since he walked out. Too soon, his gaze locked on mine; dazzling smile, chocolate brown eyes. Nothing much had changed, other than the way he held himself. He no longer had that prideful and confident appearance, the pep in his step, the motivation to be happy. I could see it written all over his face, read it in his thoughts. Everybody walked out to watch the children leaving Justin Bryce Carter and I alone. I wanted to run and jump in his arms, wanting to hold him in my own, but I knew I couldn't. No contact, no anything in six years, we're complete strangers now. "Hey," He stared down at his feet not able to hold eye contact with me any longer. "Hi." I wanted to scream and yell, yet I wanted to kiss him and tell him how much I miss him. "I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing, I know tomorrow is..." He trailed off glancing up to look at the picture of me and Brianna shortly before I lost her. I swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears. "C'mere." He motioned me over, but ended up stepping over to me instead. He wrapped his strong arms around my small frame and held me against him tightly, rubbing my back in attempts to comfort me. "I miss her, more and more everyday." I didn't dare step out of our embrace no matter how much I wanted to so I could see his face, and wipe his tears away. "I miss us, more and more everyday," He breathed out, holding me closer if possible. "Mommy, can I go over to Faith's house after dance?" Aaliyah tugged at the hem of my shirt, pulling the perfect puppy dog face. "Sure sugarplum, if it's okay with her mommy and daddy." She thanked me and ran out yelling for "Aunt" Arial and "Uncle" Ryan. "She's so big," His face dropped, eyes holding heartache. "She looks like you, Justin. Acts like you, too." I sadly smiled out the window at her, "She'll be six in three months. My oh my, how the time flies." A single year slipped from his eye, his voice fragile.

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