Chapter 10

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Closing the front door behind me, I quietly slipped off my shoes and jacket and made my way in to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. It was early in the morning, the sun finally beginning to rise. Tip-toeing up the steps, I checked to make sure Aaliyah was okay before walking to the room I share with my beloved husband to find him sprawled out on the bed. I take the covers and with the temperatures dropping outside, I tucked him in and crawled in beside him making sure that no skin was exposed to the crisp air. Justin wrapped an arm around me leisurely and pulled me as close to him as he possibly could, humming in satisfaction. Snuggling in to his chest and allowed my eyes to droop closed.

"Good morning, darling." His voice was husky from sleep and I couldn't help but smile, breathing in his scent as I did. "Good morning, love. Rest well?" I opened my eyes to meet his, our fingers interlocking and him leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Better if you would have been here, rough night?" I simply nod my head and close my eye once more. "Do I smell coffee?" Excitement was laced in his voice and I rolled on to my stomach and hugged a pillow knowing that he would be getting up to grab a cup, "Yes, I put a pot on for you." Feeling him stand up from the bed, I sighed letting my tense muscles finally relax. After a movie night with Shane that lasted until 2 o'clock in the morning, I pranced over to the cabin and spoke with Samantha for another hour or two discussing some upcoming events. From there, I sleepily trudged home and here I am now.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" I shook my head and buried my face farther in the pillow. "Get some sleep, okay? I am going to go meet Jolene and William in town to visit Trey real quick. They are in town visiting William's grandmother and said that I can come down and see him before they leave to go back home if I would like." I told him to be careful and that I love him, but it came out as an incoherent mumble due to my face being hidden from him.

"What was that, babe?" I could hear the smile in his voice. I repeated myself only a bit louder this time. I groaned in complaint when I felt him jump on to the bed. "Ba-be," I started laughing when he began tickling me. "St-op it," I protested each breath, "I c-an't b-breathe." He didn't mind me much, "What did you say to me?" Pressing on, he ticked me until I was blue in the face. "Now are you going to tell me what you said?" I know what he was wanting to hear, he wanted me to repeat that I love him. "I said for you to shut up and leave me alone," I smiled goofily up at him so that he knew I was facetious. "You think you're cute, don't you?" I nodded my head, watching as his smile grew. "Alright, I really have to go. I'll be back in forty-five minutes at most depending on traffic, I love you." I sat up as he got off of me and stood up, "Okay, I love you."

Waiting to hear the door close, I jumped to my feet and started going through my closet to find something for tonight. Picking out a black lace twilight dress and six-inch red satin stiletto heels. Checking on Aaliyah one last time, I grabbed a towel from the hall closet and hopped in the shower. Humming along with the melody in my head, I finished up and wrapped my wet hair in a towel on my head before stepping out in to the bathroom, only to be greeted by my loving husband. The second I caught eye of him, he wrapped me up in a towel that he must have retrieved from the dryer judging the warm temperature of it. "You might just be the best thing I have ever had," I gave him a small smile and followed him into the bedroom to get dressed while he laid on the bed diverting his attention to the television on the wall. Brushing out the tangled mess atop my head, I let it dry on its own so that I could go downstairs and get breakfast started.

I had yet to put my dress on, walking around in one of his sweaters that fell mid-thigh on me, red lace boyshorts and the red heels I had chosen to wear tonight knowing that when his attention is focused back on me, he'll lose his mind. It's just a way for me to remind him how much I love him before he goes off, knowing that he absolutely adores when I do things like this. "Oh, sugar honey iced tea." I smirked when I heard him at the doorway, but ignored the fact that his eyes were burning holes into me. Not thinking about the effects that may follow, I bent down to grab a pot from the bottom compartment. Placing it on the stove, I moved over to the refrigerator and grabbed the eggs, bacon, and sausage so that I could cook it while also working on the homemade biscuits.

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