Chapter 3

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>>Bailee's POV<<

It happened.

He showed up and caught me off guard, got a few good blows on me. Not once did he mention Aaliyah. He just talked smack about Dad, Justin, my pack, and me. Thank God that Daisy, Danny, Titan, Justin, and Aaliyah were all out doing other things rather than being home. I'm even more thankful that he came alone and unarmed. "Babe, I'm home!" Justin's voice rang out from downstairs. Sh**, he's home early. "Babe?" He knocked lightly on the bedroom door before I heard it creak open. I quickly pretended to be asleep, hoping he would buy it. I felt the bed sink down and his arm go around me. "Wakey, wakey, Bail." I stayed motionless, thinking maybe he would give up and let me sleep. "Please, shawty? I gotta talk to you." My heart skipped three beats at the new nickname. He shook me slightly before sighing. I jerked up, acting as if I had had a nightmare. "Woah, it's okay. It's just me," He was quick to pull me into his arms. I winced as he held me tight, my body sore from Shane dropping by earlier this morning. "Hey, what's wrong?" He held me back a little so he could look into my eyes. I stayed still, knowing he would see the fairly fresh marks. "No.." His fingertips skimmed over each and every one, examining them intently. "Why didn't you call me after he left?" I shrugged, "I didn't want you to worry." Sighing deeper than before, he pulled me back to him. "I love and care about you, worrying when something like this happens is my job, a natural instinct as your mate." I untangled his arms from around me and laid back down. "What's wrong now?" Hesitantly, I moved my sweatshirt up to reveal my patched up side and bruised ribs. He was speechless as he stared at me in total disbelief, his eyes never leaving my colorful injuries. He didn't know what to say or think. Worriedly, I went to cover them back up but he stopped me. "When did he do this to you?" I glanced over at the clock, "About two hours ago maybe." He shook his head, "Do they hurt.. like bad?" He kinda resembled a little kid. I nodded, "It's bearable."

"Look at them," A familiar voice spoke up, "they're so perfect for each other." I sat up slowly, keeping my eyes shut, "Who are you? Do I even know you?" Another voice chuckled, "Same sense of humor, I see." Puzzled, I opened one eye to see Adam and Addison standing at the foot of the bed. "What are you all doing here?" I stretched my arms out and popped my back. "We just wanted to drop by and see if everything we've heard is true." Sitting there for a minute, something hit me. "How did you two get in here?" "You talking to yourself?" Justin rested his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. "No babe, just go back to sleep." Addison smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "So I see the rumors are true, you two really are back together," Adam grinned. Falling back against the pillows, all I wanted to do was sleep. "What time is it?" There was a slight pause. "3:36." That means everyone should be home in what? Twenty-four minutes maybe? "Mommy, Daddy, guess what!!" Aaliyah burst through the door full of energy and jumped on the bed. To be in such a bulky boot, she can sure get places. I sat up while Justin remained where he was, just opened his eyes. "I got to see pengins and fishes!" She squealed showing us the pictures on her iPod. "That's great, honey. Did you have fun?" She nodded vigorously, "Can we go again soon?" It was my turn to nod, "Mommy and Daddy will take you for your birthday, how does that sound?" Her eyes grew wide like her smile, "A million times yes!" She pounced attacking me with a hug, hitting every possible soft spot. Leaning down, she hugged Justin before dropping to the floor and running through the house probably to go outside and swim with Titan. "How sweet," Addison had her hand over her heart, leaning into Adam. "So, where are we in the music world?" I looked down at Justin, receiving the nod that he did transfer his stuff to my laptop. "About six years worth of music." Handing over the computer, they clicked through the songs playing just samples of each. "When would you two like to go out and make it official?" "Any time is good for me," We spoke in unison causing us both to grin like idiots. Yup, we're back to those days alright.

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