Chapter 8

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>>Justin's POV<<

I was heartbroken and nervous. I knocked on the door a second time and heard a small boy. "I've got it!" I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath before reopening them to see my spitting image. "Who are you?" I was stunned by the fact that he looked so much like me. "Hey buddy, where's your momma?" "Son, how many times have I told you not to open the door to strangers?" I'm guessing the man that was now her husband was the one I was face to face with now. "Oh..Um.." He didn't know what to do either. Let me tell you, this was beyond awkward. "William, who is at the door?" I stood there still staring at my son for the first time. "Justin, what are you doing here? Come in, come in." I stepped inside and looked around the beautiful establishment as if it was my own. "Do you remember what we talked about?" She nodded, "Yeah, is something wrong?" I shook my head quietly. "Trey, why don't you and Will go pass baseball in the backyard?" He smiled and dragged William outside. "I screwed everything up again and I need somewhere to stay until I can hopefully win her back or get back on my feet." I buried my face in my hands and started to cry again. It wasn't only the fact that I lost my family for good because I know that I won't be able to have them back, but my son that the girl I cheated on Bailee with gave birth to looked so much like me it wasn't funny. "What happened?" I shook my head and leaned into her when I felt her arms wrap around me. I handed her the my phone and let her read the threats. "And you did it?" I nodded and attempted to recompose myself. "Why am I such a screw up?" I whispered to mainly myself. "Because you love your family so much that you get paranoid and begin to have trust issues. All you want to do is keep them safe and we both know that you would do anything to save them even if it means hurting them." I stared at her, "That's so contradictory." She nodded, "But it's the truth, right? Just like she was going to kill herself to save you, though it would shatter your heart that she was gone forever." I tell this chick too much about my personal life. "Jolene, he looks so much like me. I'm so sorry for not being here for you and him, I seem to have a bad habit of doing that." She waved a hand dismissively, "William's been a big help and Trey knows that he isn't his father, but it doesn't appear to bother him." This conversation reminded me of Aaliyah. "Does he know that I'm his father?" She shook her head, "I bet he would love to get to know his father, if you would love to get to know your son?" I nodded, "Yeah, that would be nice." She smiled warmly, "Any questions before I call them back in?" I nodded, "Yeah, what's his full name, how old is he, and what all is he into?" She chuckled, "You're nervous, it's kinda cute. Trey Daniel Jacobs, he is 7 going to be 8 in a week, and he adores sports. He plays quarterback in football, point guard in basketball, and pitcher in baseball. It's nonstop around here and most days he has to choose which game or practice he wants to attend that day. He loves pizza but his favorite food is Oreos. His obsession is shoes and hats, his favorite color is red, and his favorite movie is currently The Incredibles." My head was spinning from all the new information I just received. "Favorite music?" She shook her head, "He doesn't fancy music, I'm glad you came because I'm kinda hoping you can help change that." Wow, I expected music to be in his blood. Hmm. "Alright, I think I'm ready to meet--wait, what about William?" I panicked. What if he doesn't approve of me staying here or meeting Trey? What if he doesn't like me? What if he tries to kill me? What if he is the one sending the messages? No, he wouldn't be the one doing that. He doesn't even know me, he didn't recognize me so he must live under a rock. "William Morgan Jacobs--" I held my hand up to stop her, "No, what I meant is don't you need to talk to him about me staying here temporarily and ask him if he cares? Then ask him if he approves of me as a friend of yours and a father to Trey, ask him if he cares that I meet and get to know Trey and make sure that he doesn't hate me? If he wants to hurt me or my family? Maybe if he sent me those messages or knows the person that did?" I talked a million miles an hour and started looking everywhere but her pale green eyes. I shifted my weight back and forth on my feet. "Wow," She laughed at me, "I've never saw someone so nervous in my lifetime." I threw my head back and inwardly groaned, does she not notice that I'm being 100% serious? "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I'll send Trey in and while you talk to him I'll talk to William." I nodded simply thinking to myself that I didn't have this problem with Bailee and Aaliyah. She already loved me even though she didn't know me. Taking a seat on the couch, I peered over to see him standing at the door staring at me with wide eyes. "D-dad?" I froze. He sounded like he was going to cry. "S-son." I stuttered along with him. "It's you.." He inched closer and I patched my leg, signaling for him to sit on my lap. Before I could blink, his arms were wrapped around me squeezing the air from my lungs. "I can't believe it's really you," He cried into my shoulder and I held him closer. "You've gotten so big, Trey." I let a tear slip as I ruffled his hair and ran my hand up and down his back. "Dad?" I held him back so that I could see his face, "Yeah, son?" Alex came to my mind. I never thought I would get to say those words. "You're Drew Kingsley." I chuckled and so did he, "Yeah, I am and you're Trey Jacobs." He smiled, "You're funny, I like you." I smiled brightly, some weight lifted from my shoulders. "Thank you, buddy." My phone vibrated and he stared down at my jacket before retrieving it for me. "Woah, you have the 6Plus!" He examined the phone in amazement. "You want one? I'll buy it for you for your birthday." His arms flung around me again, "You're the best!!" Hugging him back, I quickly checked my screen to see a message from Travis.

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