Chapter 5

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>>Justin's POV<<

Hopping down the stairs, I opened the door to see Brent and Brianna. I stood frozen for a moment before I hesitantly hopped back and allowed them in. "Where is Bailee?" Brianna stared straight through me as I shrugged, "She went to go pick up Aaliyah from my parents." I honestly didn't like these two and I was a little intimidated with them sitting in the living room with no one here to save me if I need it. "When will she be back?" I shrugged once again and hobbled in to the kitchen to get a drink and answer the cordless phone. "Sup Ryan Laurence Kennedy?" He chuckled, "Sup Justin Bryce Carter?" I smiled, "You know what." He laughed again, "I'll be right there." Inwardly praising the Lord I hung up and went back to take my seat in the couch. "Is she almost here?" Brianna's deathly cold stare made me want to run and hide to never come out. "I don't know, why are you asking so many questions?" Just in time, Ryan walked through the back door to relieve me. "Excuse me, please." Being as polite as I can, I made my way on to the back porch deck and took a seat. "So?" A smirk appeared on his face and I began telling him what he wanted to know, not leaving out a single detail. "Oh man, you just wait." I chuckled and answered my cell, "Sup pops?" Crying and lots of it startled me as it didn't cease to sting my ears. "Bub, you might want to come over here." My heart stopped, "What's wrong? Are my girls okay? What about you two?" I didn't want for an answer, I hung up and ditched my crutches, running for my car. Ryan followed suit and hopped in the passengers side. "What's going on?" I shook my head not able to voice an answer.

Launching myself from the car, I burst through the front door and looked around. Mom was in Dad's arms with dried tear stains on her cheeks yet where was Bailee and Aaliyah? Painfully rushing up the stairs, I poked my head into my room and saw them. Bailee was shifted laying across the bottom, quietly whimpering as she slept. Aaliyah was in a deep sleep sprawled out on the pillows, her face pale and scratched up. My knees began weakening the longer I stared at her tiny bruised body. Hitting the ground with a thud Bailee jumped up ready to attack, snarling and growling at me making sure I got the warning to keep a distance. Sure, once she saw it was me she let down her guard and settled once again. "What happened?" I could see the marks on her sides and the slight limp in her step as she jumped down and transformed back to my Bailee. She was cut up head to toe, her hair matted with blood. "This is what she wanted," She rounded the bed and sat by our sleeping little angel, "my downfall." Looking closer, Aaliyah was in worse shape. "Looks like she got it." She bit her busted bottom lip caging her emotions inside. I was speechless, not believing my eyes. "She got ahold of Aaliyah and tried to take her, but I jumped in and ripped her. Aaliyah got thrown into the side of the house and last second I was hit by a car, but I didn't get as much damage as the car. I placed wolf-shaped dent on the side and pushed it over. Aaliyah.. for my sweet Aaliyah, I wish I could say the same."An eerie silence fell as a wolf howled in the distance causing Bailee's head to snap toward the balcony. Instinctively, she shifted and got in an attack-ready position acting how she did when I stepped foot in the room. Another howl sounded and Bailee huffed before howling a long, eardrum shattering howl. I shivered as the cool breeze whipped around the room, chill bumps rising on my skin everywhere. Shifting back, she wrapped her arms around my torso and laid her head on my shoulder as we both stared at our daughter passed out on my bed. "How long has it been?" She shook her head and sniffled, "About two hours." I brought her closed and held her tight hoping to comfort her. She stepped away and grabbed a t-shirt of mine and a pair of boxers, "I'm going to go get a shower just umm watch her close, if I hear a single thing I'm rushing out." I nodded and went to kissed her, but she pulled back shaking her head. "Not until I'm clean, plus I believe I might be coming down with something." I tip-toed over and carefully laid on the bed beside Aaliyah, gently caressing her cheek with the back of my hand. Bailee strolled out not long after looking fully relaxed and renewed, that is until the leaves rustled outside and a crack of thunder flooded both our senses. As she crawled up the bed beside me, her Velvet Sugar body wash hit me like a semi and I couldn't help myself. Pushing her back, I hovered over her and kissed her passionately as the wind whistled and thunder crashed. I held her hip with one hand and supported my weight on the other as I tried to deepen the kiss but was denied. "Woah, babe." She winced and pushed me back so she could sit up, "Easy, papi." I don't know what came over me. "I'm sorry, beautiful. I don't know what gave me the sudden urge--" She cut me off abruptly, "It's fine, I completely understand but I'm gonna need some time to recover. Not only that, but with Aaliyah in her condition and your parents just downstairs along with Ryan, right now isn't the right time nor place." She smiled reassuringly causing me to smile and take her into my arms. "How is she?" The crew walked in and Bailee began to jump and was going to shift but realization hit. "She's still out cold, but hanging in there." Kiersten nodded and walked behind us to close the balcony doors as a light mist started blowing in on us. "Has Castro saw either of you two?" Bailee shook her head no, "She was knocked out instantly on impact, I was afraid to take her that far so I brought her up here." Darci then stood up causing Bailee to flinch as she did at every little sound or movement. "Would you like me to run up and get him?" We both dismissed the idea. Bailee looked over my shoulder out into the trees that were seating due to the strong wind, "I know you've been through worse weather, but I don't want you out there in that. I couldn't dare ask such a task of you." Ryan being the smart one, I pulled down to sit beside him before she could snide a remark. "Then I'll go." Kiersten opened the glass doors and jumped to the ground not giving Bailee time to protest.

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