Chapter 2

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>>Bailee's POV<<

"Mommy's right here, I've got you baby girl." She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the hem of my sweatshirt, "He, he was big and scary." Justin patted her back and kissed her head, helping me with her. "And, and, Daddy wasn't there to protect us. The man, he, he hurt you mommy." Justin looked up at me and instantly wrapped his arms around me after I cringed at all the memories. "He wouldn't stop hitting you and yelling bad words at you. I, I, tried to stop him, but he was too big. I ran outside and was going to go to Aunt Arial's and Uncle Ryan's, but I wasn't quick enough." She began to cry harder, tightening her grip on me, "He slapped me before throwing me over his shoulder and taking me to his car where two girls were waiting. They tied my hands, and, and, my feet before they taped my mouth closed." Justin scooted even closer and took both of us into his arms. "The brown headed girl ripped more and more of my hair out with her hand as I struggled to scream for help." At this point, I too, was in tears. "It was so real, Mommy. The man looked familiar, who was he Mommy?" I shook my head, "No one, baby girl. I'll tell you when you get a little bit older, okay?" She nodded and hid her face back in my neck as the tears kept streaming down her cheeks. "Don't worry sweetheart, Daddy isn't going anywhere. He's gonna be right here and he's going to protect you and Mommy, okay? He won't let anyone hurt you two, he loves you both too much to ever let that happen." She stayed silent, peeking at him with a small smile forming on her lips. "There's that beautiful smile I love," He started tickling her sides until she laughed her little head off, forgetting about the vision. "Daddy, stop it!" She tried to push him away and wiggle out of my hold, but nothing worked. "My sides hurt, stop it Daddy!" She laughed harder and harder until he quit the tickling assault. "I wanna go home with Daddy tonight," She glanced between us before looking toward the kitchen where Faith, Arial, and Ryan were all in deep conversation. 'We're gonna take her with us, AFJ.' She turned her head and gave me a crisp nod before mentally telling her man.

"Daddy?" Aaliyah yawned, tapping his shoulder repetitively, "Daddy, wake up." His eyelashes rested peaceful atop his cheeks before she kissed his forehead, "Goodnight Daddy." He slowly fluttered his eyes open and drowsily smiled at her, "Goodnight baby girl." Pulling the covers up to her shoulders, his left arm held her while his right arm held me. I grinned watching the two, thinking this may not be as bad as I thought. At least my princess is happier than ever before. "You're a great father, Justin." I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest so I could see his sparkling eyes. "And you're an even better mother, babe." My heart skipped four beats, before a large pang of pain settled in. "I mean, Bailee. I'm sorry, it just came out." I wrapped my arm around his torso, laying my hand on Aaliyah's back intertwining mine and Justin's fingers. "It's okay, Jay." I snuggled closer to him, missing the feeling of having him so close. I listened as his heartbeat sped up, "You called me, Jay." The happiness was evident in his voice. "Yeah, I know," My smile grew hearing my girl's light breathing was in sync with his breathing, "do you really think we can make this work? Ya know, without it being heart wrenching?" He ran his fingers through my hair, "I don't think so." My heart sank. "I know so," A kiss was placed on my temple as my heart fluttered along with the butterflies in my stomach. "This time, c-can we take things slow?" My voice cracked, betraying me. "Of course." I nodded, "I want to take things really slow, Jay. We starting dating and like a week later we were engaged, I can't handle that this time. My heart can take no more." This time, I'm more fragile. This time, I want to take my time with Justin like Brianna did with Kyle. Maybe not as long, because they talked for five years before they dated and they dated for four years and nothing happened. They were surely in love and they knew it would last, his heart is still hers even though she's went on. Now that, that's love. "Can you take her for a moment? I need to go use the restroom and let my parents know I won't be home tonight." I nodded, my thoughts drifting away. "Shh, go back to sleep Aaliyah, you're okay," I shushed her as the steps creaked outside the room. Running my fingers through her wavy locks, I thought about the future. Justin's gonna have to work hard to fend the boys off of her when she gets a it older. I chuckled to myself for no reason, she's already got a couple of love notes from this one little boy in her class. He's a cutie, I won't lie, but Aaliyah doesn't seem too interested in him. I'd rather her be in a relationship at this age, but if she would happen to I hope it would be with someone other then him. Justin and I went to school with his parents and I can tell you he probably doesn't have the best home life, meaning he may turn out to be a Shane mini me. Aaliyah jumped in my arms and hugged herself to my frame when Justin walked in. His face dropped at the sight.

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