Chapter 9

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Two weeks passed and it seemed that this movie was driving us apart, Justin and I. By this point, I had accepted the fact that by the time we finish this movie, we may be over. It wouldn't be the first time though. We have split twice before, what difference does a third make? More pain, more stress, more trouble, and not only my heart will be broken, but so will my daughter's. I'd like to say that I knew this was coming, but I didn't so I wouldn't lie to you. Yes, it's hard to be so close to him yet feel so far away.

I do have to admit though, this could be a good thing.

"Bailee, are you ready?" His head poked into the room, "Yeah, just let me slip my shoes on." There has been no hugging, kissing, cuddling, or even the smallest acts of love and kindness shared between us in a seven days straight. It breaks my heart, but then again, I don't deserve it anyways. Truth is, I may have developed little feelings for Shane once again. Who am I kidding? He's a new man, I see that and I like this whole Shane 2.0 thing, but I still have no respect for him and honestly wouldn't care if I never saw him again. I have a plan that I know will do us all good. It's different, but a good different. Walking out to the car, I closed the door behind me and sat in dead silence as he drove us to set. The quiet roar of the engine was my serenity as I began to think what exactly it is about the movie that is driving us apart. He claims that Shane and I have been "too friendly" with one another, but that's only for the camera. He is just too stubborn to realize that I have been instructed to act like that towards him, to say things like "love you" or "you are the greatest ever" to him. I can't help that the script says that. Blame Keaton for it, not me. "We're here." Justin snapped me out of my thoughts and I exited the vehicle, walking behind him up the sidewalk into the old building. That's another thing, we don't even walk side by side. We also can't carry on a decent conversation unless speaking is mandatory, the wedge between us has made that much of an impact. Walking to our dressing room without speaking to any of the crew or fellow cast members, I internally smirked. It's time for Phase 1 of my intricate plan. "You know I love you, right?" He ignored me. Ouch. I joined him in front of the large mirror and wrapped my arms around neck, resting my head on his shoulder. He looked at me through the mirror and our eyes finally connected for the first time in three days. He didn't immediately look away like I had half-expected him to do. "Roses are black, violets are black, everything is black. I am blind." He cracked a grin and his eyes finally held a small shimmer to them. "I love you and I trust whatever you are planning to do." I kissed his cheek and spun the chair around to where I could properly hug him. He knows me better than anyone ever will, more than I knew was humanly possible. "Everything will be okay in the end and if it's not okay, it's not the end," He gave an encouraging smile, but his eyes were filled with worry and a hint of fear. "My love for you will never die, don't ever forget that, okay?" With that, I was walking out and across the hall to Shane's dressing room. I examined myself before knocking on the door, making sure that my hair and outfit was perfect. I was in my machine destroyed light wash skinny jeans and Edith Contrast black lace crop top along with my black Vogue knee thigh high heel boots. My hair was in a braided Barbie ponytail with the ends curled and my makeup was a light giving me a natural look. I wore my gold jewelry and Tease perfume by VS. "It's unlocked." I took a deep breath and readied myself for what I was about to do. "Wow, you look stunning today." I smiled, "Thanks babe, you don't look too bad yourself." He chuckled and patted the seat beside him, inviting me over to join him on the couch. "So what brings you over to the other side today?" I leaned back against a pillow and crossed my legs over his lap, getting comfortable. "I just wanted to hang out, is there anything wrong with that?" He shook his head, a smile forming on his face. "Can I say something even if it's wrong?" I nodded, wondering what it was. He eyes scanned over my body before meeting my eyes, "I think I have fallen in love with you all over again and this movie.. it has only aided in my admiration for you." I internally smirked, liking where this was going. "I feel the same, this movie has sparked that fire within me that burns for you once again. It's been so long since we've been together on a good account, what do you say we try our relationship one last time?" He nodded, hope filling his eyes. "That would be phenomenal, but are you sure? What about Justin?" I took his hand and sighed, "I'm sure. I can't say that I fully trust you, but I do forgive you; Justin and I have been growing apart lately anyways and I don't believe we will last much longer. Who says he has to know anyways? We're both surreptitious and enjoined, I think it could work in a secretive forbidding way." His eyes grew brighter after I confessed my plan to him. "So completely and utterly confidential, like hush-hush until you and Justin have dissevered?" I nodded and like I had wanted, he agreed without hesitation. "Five minutes till Chapter 4, Scene 2!" Lenny yelled from outside the door and I placed both feet on the floor, getting up to go out and readily create my character. "Wait!" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face Shane, "Yes?" He motioned me over and I complied, walking over to stand in front of him. "Meet me tonight at our hideout, I'll text you the time." I nodded and hugged him, "Okay, I'll be waiting." He kissed my cheek and I scurried out of the room, joining Keaton outside under the tree where the scene would kick-start. "Okay, so you know what to do, right?" I nodded my head and took a seat on the wooden bench, putting on my shades, and making sure my hat was fitted perfect to my head. My pistol rested easy in it's holster and I my badge clung perfectly to the waistband of my jeans, hiding unnoticeably behind my belt. I had to change shirts from the black lace crop to a tight black cap-sleeved shirt that pulled off my character better.

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