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Naomi held Jinx's hand lightly in hers as she showed her how to properly use a throwing knife. "Alright, now we're just going to flick it. Ready?" The green eyed girl looked at her young companion. She liked this kind of personal time with the red head.

"Use your wrist like this." She mimicked throwing the knife with quick, smooth flicks of her wrist.

Jinx nodded, concentrating on how Naomi moved her wrist. She copied it a couple of times before trying it with the knife, giggling madly as it beaned a dummy in the shoulder. "Ooo Butterfly! I got one! Did I do good?" She chirped to Nao happily, hoping for a nod. The woman was her favorite non-player besides Enx. She took care of her and always showed her cool stuff that made Enx shake her head and mumble in an amusing way.

Naomi smiled and nodded. "Very good, Jinx." She couldn't help but be proud of the progress they were making. "Care to try again?" The girl held out another knife. It was the easiest way to keep Jinx occupied while Jant was away.

Jinx beamed as she snatched the dagger from the other woman and searched out a target, almost vibrating with happy energy. She'd been trying to decide between an old soldier on the road and a strange woman in a hooded cloak, which in this weather made even Jinx question the lady's sanity, when a deafening roar caused the very mountain under their feet to quake. A gasp slipped passed slackened lips which quickly formed into a grin. Jinx had found her target. "Nao! There's a Humbaba! A really, really real Humbaba!" She shouted behind her as she bounced in place, rocks scraping at her bare legs. Humbaba normally kept to the Mosphoran Highwastes and, according to Enx and Fealty and lots of others, were like giant werewolves that loved to slaughter you. Jinx crowed happily. Of course she'd attack. 'Who wouldn't?' She thought as the dagger flew with a snap of her wrist and spun towards the frothing beast below.

Naomi's eyes widened as the knife struck the beast. Its attention was now solely on them. Naomi scrambled for Jinx and made to pull her away, struggling over the rocky terrain she was so unused to. Fear bubbled up in Naomi's chest and the adrenaline gave her a certain boost, but it was too late. The Humbaba, lightning fast in its attack, reached them and snatched them both up easily. Naomi closed her eyes as pain ripped through her body. She took a shuddering breath to scream... then all was black.

Silent Hill: Psychosis BreakМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя