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It made sense… Jinx peeked down the road for a moment. “No I don’t want to go find a gas station.” She sighed, obviously bemoaning human needs. She turned to look at the building again with icy blueness that didn’t leave out any details before shrugging the backpack back up from where it had slipped during their search for the apartments. “Alright. The first safe room we come to.” She said tersely. The door had opened under her boot easily enough, and they found a map of the apartments behind the front desk. Though Jinx still clung to her butterfly, she could feel the woman’s tiredness.

Naomi nodded and followed Jinx into the building quietly. "Alright..." She pondered the map. "How about One-seventeen?" She asked as she looked down at her agitated companion. She wondered if this was anything like Naomi's grumpy moods and once she napped she'd be okay. "We can look around the apartment, perhaps find clothes to change into. I'll take a shower if I can. You might want to too." She picked at the drying blood that had splashed on her. "I don't know how much longer we'll be here..."

“Not too much longer Nao-ne-na-o.” She muttered absently as she pulled the older woman towards the room she wanted. Jinx checked each hall they went down for anything even remotely resembling monsters, or for some reason checking for a shadowy mist, as they went up the back stairs instead of the elevator. She really didn’t like the things. And it had smelled like old, bad blood. Like someone had left something alive trapped in there. The radio had skittered lightly while standing in front of it, so they’d quickly found the stairs to take instead.

When they reached the door, Naomi tried opening it hesitantly. It opened easily, which surprised her. She cautiously moved inside, pipe at the ready. "He-hello?" She called out quietly. No one, and nothing, answered. Naomi nodded and waved Jinx inside. "It is safe." She said as she headed into the kitchenette. She turned the faucet and nodded as water came out. "Alright." She murmured as she walked over to the refrigerator. Upon opening it, she found health drinks, water, some food, and... "chocolate bars..." Naomi tilted her head. "Hey, you want one, Jinx?" She held up the chocolate bar for her to see.

 “Ooo Chocolate? Yes please sweet Butterfly!” She cried happily, bouncing on her toes, taking the bar with all the awe and respect one would have for crown jewels or something.

Naomi smiled and ruffled Jinx's hair. She knew this kind of thing was wrong, but she hadn't seen anyone besides the evil madwoman since before the weird mirror-world trip. Taking a bite out of her own chocolate bar, she rummaged some more. "Hey, Jinxy. There's clothes in these two rooms. Just in case... You know, you could try a skirt or some pants." Naomi pulled out a sweater from one of the closets, as her white one was now blood stained. This one was black, but it'd have to do. She dug around in the closet and found a suitable pair of jeans. They were a wee bit loose, so she'd need a belt. At a quick glance around, she found one. "There. Alright. I'm going to shower, Jinx."

Jinx munched happily at her candy. The sticky, super sweet ambrosia like a lightning strike to her poor empty battery. She dug around in the desks and drawers and even in the DVDs, amusing herself with the titles on display. She’d just figured out the Stereo, put in a CD, and pressed play when Nao said something about a Skirt. Or Jeans. She shuddered, ignoring the song now playing on the stereo in favor of sending her butterfly a look of such wounded, teary eyed displeasure that her lip wibbled from the force of it…….and was ignored. Jinx pouted silently. She perked up immediately at the word ‘shower’ though. “Shower? Did Nao say shower?! Ooo Jinx will come too!” She hummed, following along, puppy-like, behind the older woman.

Naomi blushed bright red. "C-c-come too?" She stood stock still. "J-Jinxy that's... that's sweet but, uh... don't you want to watch a movie or something?" She tried to coax the girl into doing something else. If there was one thing she'd learned, you didn't tell Jinx no directly. "I-I mean..." Naomi didn't like the thought of showering with Jinx at all. She didn't like the idea of being naked around her, or anyone for that matter. Not even in her undershirt did she feel comfortable around people.

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