Əntər Thə Nıghtmarə

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The throbbing blackness was nothing new to her. Jinx had lived through the before, after all. She kept the shudder tucked in and quietly, shamefully bemoaned that last moment of insanity. That thing had been huge! And fast! She'd barely had time to gasp and feel Nao's hand close on the back of her torn coat before the monster had its teeth in her. The rending, tearing, the way the claws had ripped through her chest, the pure bliss when finally, finally her spine had snapped. Jinx allowed a small gasp to escape. Oh, poor Butterfly. She hadn't been in the Before. She'd, thankfully, passed right out. "Dilly-dally shilly-shally." She sang out in quavering notes, before sitting up and opening her eyes... to cuss furiously. They were in a damned Hospital room. And not the nice, pretty kind that Enx had gotten her used to. Jinx quaked in fear, legs already curling under her instinctively. This was a Before Hospital, with machines, and needles, and burning chemicals. A tear escaped. She wanted her Nao. Now.

Naomi groaned. She could see the fluorescent lights before even opening her eyes. Wait... Sitting bolt upright, Naomi gasped. A hospital room surrounded her. "Jinx?" Green eyes looked around, panicked. "Jinx?!" She stood, ripping the IVs from her arm without a second thought. She moved from her hospital room.

"What are you- Wait, no!" She could hear a nurse shout as she frantically left her room to search others. Her breathing picked up and her eyes became unfocused.

"Need... to find... Jinx." The panic attack set in quickly and she could hear little whispers at the corners of her mind. Danger... escape... run now... go... She had to find Jinx first. "Jinxy!" The young woman called out for her friend, her little sister.

"Someone get a doctor." She could hear the nurses call out.

Jinx peered out from under the gurney she'd woken up on. It's never safe on top of the things, and the walls creeped and whispered, like they used to when she was littler. Too little for the tests. The needle in her arm had been pulled out almost immediately, though the little blip attached to her finger stayed. Don't alert the players. Jinx giggled madly to herself through half choked sobs. "Nao butterfly's gone...wonder if she flew away?" The thought made her stomach turn over and rebel fiercely. She moaned and clutched at her legs. "Nao-fly, fly-nao-nyflao, Flay-"

"JINXY!" The shout scattered her thoughts and left her feeling icy blue. That's weird, only the Butterfly calls me that. "Butterfly." She mused aloud. Jinx decided not to move and gave control over to her younger instincts. The ones that never got used. She threw her head back and screamed.

Naomi's panic was escalating as each moment passed without finding her little sister. It peaked when she heard the screams. Horrible images flooded her mind. She knew that scream. She didn't know how... but she knew. "Jinxy!" She tried to bolt for it, but someone was restraining her.

"Don't let her go, get the medicine in, quick. Someone go check on the other one." A male voice barked orders as something stung her arm. It burned then, white hot. Naomi thrashed about for a moment, then she felt the effects of whatever had burned her like it was a lead balloon. The panic drained and she was tired, limp. She fell back into the waiting doctors' arms.

"Jinx... Need... Jinxy." She groaned.

"You can see your friend as soon as we can get you there." They began to move in the direction of the terrified scream. This was good.


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