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It felt good to scream. It wasn't something that players punished you for, either. Screaming was rewarded. So Jinx kept screaming, as loud and long as she could, until the walls stopped whispering and the gurney seemed safe and the tight, bitter rage calmed like a well fed feline. Jinx had just drawn breath to release another cleansing screech when the door slammed open and people streamed in. She hissed and pressed herself tighter together, counting quickly. Three, six. Two females, the rest male. One obviously in charge as he stood in the middle of the room and looked around, apparently confused. "Can't find me. Jinx's invisible~" She croaked in a near silent whisper. The plan had just started creeping out of the torn planes of her mind to get to forming itself when she saw a woman swaying on her feet slightly, restrained by a woman and man. "Nao!" The name escaped before she could stop it. Done is done, as done. She firmly pressed herself icy blue and waited as the leader player walked towards her.

Naomi groaned. "Jinx." She needed the other girl now. She didn't feel so good. She was shuffled along to another room. She didn't mind so much, wasn't this where the screams had come from? For a second she wavered in place.

"Nao!" She heard her name clear as day. This seemed to wipe away some of the fog that was creeping in on her.


One of the doctors stepped forward and kneeled at the edge of the hospital bed. "It's alright, you can come out." He extended a hand to the girl. This pair was certainly an odd one. They'd been passed out in the street. No one seemed to know who they were or where they were from.

"Jinxy..." Naomi groaned the girl's name.

The man actually reached out to her! For a moment, Jinx wavered between icy blue, bitehimscratchhimkillhim, and warm purple, Naobutterflyistheresheneedshelpgo! Grimacing at the tearing feeling in her head Jinx bared her rather impressively white and pointy teeth at the man before darting past him to cling to the wavering Nao. Every person at her back was one too many, but she couldn't yank the butterfly around. Nao would break, she wasn't used to the games. So Jinx was stuck in the open hospital room, surrounded by staff, and clinging to the woman's waist.

Naomi winced as Jinx gripped her by the waist. "Jinx. Shh... it's okay. It's just a hospital..." She felt queasy. Whatever they'd injected her with was disagreeing with her. "Need to lie down."

"We can esco-"

"No. I have to stay with Jinx." The head doctor gave the smaller girl a nervous glance. She'd shown some impressive teeth. He really didn't want to get a tetanus shot today.

"Fine. We'll let you rest here with her." He threw his hands up. He cast another wary glance at the smaller girl as he made his way to the door, followed by the others.

There was a soft knock as he was face to face with the nurse he'd sent to fill a prescription for him. "The Geodon, you asked for." Nao heard the magic words and looked.

"You'll need these." The doctor gave her a stern look. "Don't get caught without them again." He frowned as he left the room. Slowly the others left with him. It was just her and Jinx.

"You're safe." Naomi hugged Jinx to her.

Jinx reveled in Nao’s warmth for a minute. The game hadn’t started and Nao was still okay. She grinned up at the butterfly. “Nao’s here now? You’re not gonna leave Jinx right?” She asked, rapid fire questions falling from her tilting mind pieces to her lips which spoke them. “What’s Geodon? Is it important?” Her Blue, blue self was leading Nao to the Gurney she’d hidden under before. The room still made all her parts nervous, but at least the whispering had stopped.

"I'll never leave you, Jinx." Naomi smiled lightly at the girl. How could she? She was as helpless and fragile as Naomi herself, which also meant she was just as dangerous. Her little sister could just as easily kill these doctors as she could. She sat on the gurney and looked at Jinx for a moment as the questions came. She sighed lightly. Why did her stomach have to feel this way now?

"Geodon is my medicine, it keeps me from bringing scary monsters to life." Naomi's grin was slightly wicked for a moment. "But I don't always take it." She winked. She hated her medicine, it made her feel strange. Like she wasn't her anymore.

"Now that we're together, we're safe. How did we get here, Jinxy? I thought for sure we were goners so I just sort of... let myself drift away." She frowned slightly, puzzled as to how they could be in a hospital. Had someone used Phoenix Down on them?

“You take that stuff willingly?” Jinx asked with something that could almost be horror. Medicine was the bane of all players. It burned and made you think in ways the brain wasn’t meant to. Shuddering at memories of Before, Jinx curled against her Butterfly’s side and hummed a few notes. “I dunno how we got here. I don’t like it though. Jinx doesn’t like it at all! My….her head hurts. Maybe…..maybe it’s like what Enx said happens in Iv-…Ivi-…Ivialence? Hauuu~” She ripped furiously at the single long lock of hair trailing down her left side. She’d forgotten a word! One of Enx’s important words! Swallowing thickly, she pushed the hurt and disgust to the other part of her head, the green part, and focused on her Nao’s question. “It could be a temporal shift in the dimensional layers as cited in the Spacial displacement theory…” Her blue-cold mind rattled off while she worried the sleeve of her coat with cracked fingernails.

Naomi frowned lightly as she listened to Jinx. She let her finish before stroking her hair. "Ivalice, Jinx." She kissed the top of the girl's head gently. "You know some interesting stuff, kid." She teased gently. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked, peering into the eyes of her little sister with worry.

Thinking for a moment, Naomi turned and began to rub Jinx's shoulders as she peered about the room. "I've never seen this hospital before. It's one from Earth... Ivalice's hospitals aren't anything like this." She said softly, frowning. "Could it really be that we fell back through to this world from Ivalice?" She tilted her head. So her friends hadn't used Phoenix Down on them? But where was the Humbaba? Wouldn't it have fallen through too?

Naomi's eyes widened as she had a wacky idea. "Jinx... could we be...dead?"

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