Haþþıly Əvər Æftər

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Naomi opened her eyes to a light blue sky. The last thing she remembered, the great, black cavernous room was becoming a big, white light and she'd felt sleepy. Clutched to her side was Jinx, fast asleep. There were soft murmurs a few meters away. Naomi sat up slowly and rubbed her head. She heard a gasp. "Naomi!" The relieved voice belonged to Liz. Her deep, brown eyes shone with un-shed tears. "You're alive. We thought we'd lost you." She hugged Naomi.

"How... how did you bring us back?"

"Phoenix Down... We've been up all night looking for everything we needed..." Liz's hands were stained pink with blood. Naomi felt dizzy. She lay back down, listening to the others' footsteps as they came closer. Did all of that really happen, then?

She moaned into the dusty rock and rolled onto her back instead. The air smelled like magic and chocobo. A smile split her face as Jinx sat up and hummed. Enxydys, who’d made her way over when the others noticed they were waking up, crouched in front of the girl with a worried look. “Hey there girl. Ya gave me a scare there, what with the dying an’ all.” She said in that raspy voice that Jinx found she really loved, her accent thick and a welcome sound.

“ENXY!” She shrieked and launched herself at the woman, firmly wrapping herself around her ‘Mother’ and not willing to let go, even when they crashed to the ground. “Home. Homehomehome. Hau~ Jinxy missed you, she did! Nao took good care of her, but the monsters were scary and Jinxy doesn't want to die not ever again. Nope!" She rattled off, trailing into a hum of some tune.

Naomi felt tears spring to her eyes as suddenly the chatter started. Everyone was expressing their worry, their relief, their love. She felt somehow out of place among this, after having spent all that time in that dark, unforgiving world of death. Standing, the dark haired girl hugged her friends. Misery stood off to the side, a knowing smile on her face. Naomi made a bee line for her and hugged her gently. "Sometimes we see places that others do not have the misfortune of seeing. They leave a mark on us, Naomi. Invisible, but there. Don't let those memories haunt you." The older woman whispered in her ear. Naomi hugged her mentor tighter.

Warm hands petted her hair and even Jant smiled and welcomed her home… in his own way. Nina had even hugged her. Surrounded by love like this, Jinx was pretty sure that all of it was worth the terror and pain. She still had something to do though. Getting up, she trotted to where her Butterfly stood with another lady and tugged at her sweater, the picture of contrition. “Nao-ne-na-o… Jinx’s sorry. It was my fault that we went to…” She broke of shuddering and then decided, brushing her bangs back to look Naomi in the eyes. “I’m sorry Nao.”

Naomi smiled softly, and looked down into eyes near the color of her own. She pulled the younger girl to her. "It was never your fault, Jinxy. We made it, and that's all that matters. I love you very much." Naomi held Jinx in her arms. She knew now that they were safe, and that her little sister and she would never be parted from their family ever again.

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