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She curled up and slipped peacefully into sleep, safe by her butterfly’s side. The dream started very pleasantly too. Jinx was home. The valley where her Mother brought her on occasion to teach her everything and anything. The flowers where in full bloom and the breeze stirred the trees ever so slightly. She sighed contently. There was even a small bunny sitting there, not far away. Jinx giggled. A bunny here. That was odd. She didn’t usually dream of bunnies. The little bunny hoped closer, and feeling strangely calm about it, Jinx reached out to take the small creature into her dangerous hands. Those hands had made Mother bleed so many times. Why would she even attempt to pick up a fragile creature like that with those hands?

The dream’s strangely soothing presence eased her worries away. The bunny didn’t hop closer though. It fled to a rabbit hole and stood. It stood on its hind paws and had Teef! She jerked back, but the bunny was just that. A small, quivering herbivore with white fluffy fur. Herbivores didn’t have teeth like that did they? Shaken, just a bit, Jinx allowed the dream to lead her to the rabbit hole, which strangely didn’t end in darkness but in a …dirty marble floor? Now thoroughly engrossed in the hole, she didn’t even notice the Bunny smile with it’s wickedly sharp, bloody, ripping Teef! And push her into the hole. The landing was surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, soft. It was a dream after all. And…she was back in the church. Jinx’s eyes went flat and hollow as she stared around the dirty, dark church where things had burned, where she had Burned! Shuddering, she looked around.

There was the madwoman, over there not far from her was a strangely huge naked man wearing only a butchers apron. He had a huge cleaver too, and a Pyramid… for his…head?! Her breaths came in gasps now as the Bunny hopped closer and smiled grimly with its giant red TEEF and stood up on it’s hind legs, eyes comically large as it hitched its overalls and grinned even wider. Blood poured across the things face now, for it was a bunny no longer. Jinx shrieked and scuttled away, only to be caught by her neck as the bunny dragged her to where the man with the Pyramid head clutched someone by the neck. His helmet was open and oh gods the horrors she could feel waited just around the corner of that shielding metal. The woman in his hands though… it was supposed to be her. She knew it, the bunny knew it too. The bunny with TEEF! So why was it? “Nao! No, nonononono! NAOMI!” Why was it that she was screaming as she burned, burned, Burned! Jinx choked on her air, gagging on what should have been a scream but only came up as bile.

Swallowing heavily, she scrambled for the bathroom, her shattered mind pried so wide open that she could see everything and felt so much she turned numb inside. Spitting bitter bile laced with blood into the dirty porcelain sink, she shudderingly took another deeper breath. Jinx turned the faucet on and let cool water run across her face for a moment before turning it off again. Scrubbing the water from her eyes seemed to help as she stood, because the dizziness was gone. “What a weird dream huh?” She asked the reflection in the mirror. The Pyramid Headed man nodded solemnly back, his helmet flapping open to reveal a dark, pulsating mist inside. Her other reflection giggled madly, holding a greenish mist that shimmered with memories and flashes of blue, pink, and purple in one hand. “Time to wake up now lovely~” She said in a singsong voice as she tossed the suddenly shrieking green vapor into the helmet where it met with the blacker than shadows mist and slowly started to disappear. Her hand stretched out to catch the poor screaming thing before she’d realized what she’d done, and then Jinx saw and Remembered all the things that green mist had once held back in her mind. Then she burned. The screams were soon drowned out by the piercing static hiss of the Radio.

Naomi woke to the hiss and crackle of the radio. She sat up and looked around wildly. "Jinx?" She hadn't come back from the bathroom? Was she cornered in there? Naomi vaulted from the bed. "Jinx?!" There was nothing in the bathroom. Naomi looked around frantically. "Jinxy?!" That was when she noticed the mirror, and her reflection laughing wickedly at her. "JINX!" Naomi beat against the mirror, but couldn't get through. She didn't try harder for fear of smashing it. "Jinxy..." She leaned against the counter with a sob. For a moment, she felt like she was going to slip back into her despair, but no. She straightened and grabbed her boots. "I'm going to find you, Jinx." She said as she pulled them on and tied them. Grabbing Jinx's jacket, she shoved it into the bag and grabbed the rest of her things. Once she was ready, she headed for the door.

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