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Jinx nodded, swallowing hard as she opened the door back up. There, in the middle of the courtyard, stood the boy, waiting for them. The radio hissed to life with a wave of static causing Jinx to crouch automatically just outside the door. It was a child, and that stalled Jinx. Most Players in the Before had been children too, but this? It actually made her sweat just by looking at it. “Nao…..it’s gonna die. I won’t hold back.” She warned the butterfly softly.

"We can't ever hold back here, Jinxy. He's gotta die." She said quietly. Her brother had been twelve when he'd been killed. She'd been six. Naomi stared at him quietly. Now she was the older one, because she'd lived. She'd survived. Now she was going to make sure this was going to be the end. "Let's do this." Naomi was suddenly upon the monster. He was quicker than she'd thought he would but, but she tried anyway. She swung her pipe, despite the chill he left within her, despite the tired ache she began to feel. She fought him, and in his own way, he fought back.

She tried to weave herself into the macabre dance happening between Nao and the Boy. Every time he dodged the butterfly’s attack, she’d rip at him with her claws. Every time she got near though, the cold ripped at her insides. Dragging forth memories best left forgotten. After a pass where she managed to rip into the boys shoulders, ‘black blood! Eww’, Jinx was swarmed with a memory of a particularly bad time. She’d bled so much, the guard where sure she’d die. Shaking her head, Jinx lunged away from the boy with a choked cough. “Nao! Use the gun!”

Then gun? Naomi's insides felt frozen. Her nose was bloody, her head hurt. Something this boy was doing was making her weak to the point of breaking. But the gun? That was how he'd died last time. Those three holes in his head... gunshot wounds. She felt sick. "G-gun... Jinxy... I..." She shook her head in horror.

Jinx stared as Nao shook her head. The Boy seemed to be laughing at them. Why would Nao hesitate? The thing had to die, she said so herself. Hissing, Jinx jumped at the boy, claws outstretched, and hung on to him. Ripping and tearing at anything she could reach while memories of brutal hands, hooks, knives, laughing voices, and the feel of being torn apart from the inside racked through her. “Naomi! GET THE GUN!”

Naomi began to cry. Not just tears leaking down her face, no, this was the snot nosed kind of cry. Shaking hands and blurry vision, she pulled out the gun. "Move... Jinx." She aimed quietly, both hands on the gun. She squeezed the trigger four times, her eyes closing.

She sprung out of the way just in time, the bullets almost magnetically drawn to the holes already there in the Boy’s body. Jinx scrambled towards the Butterfly and watched as the boy fell to the ground. The static over the radio was slowly dimming to a faint hiss as the black blood spread outward slowly. “Sorry Nao-ne-na-o. I-… sorry.” She whispered, tugging at the woman’s sweater.

Naomi dropped to her knees and cried, holding on to Jinx. She felt like death, her nose ran with blood and she wiped it on the sleeve of the sweater. "I wanna go home." She sobbed. This place was too much. It kept dragging Nao back into her past. That wasn't her anymore, that wasn't where she belonged. The black blood continued to spread, and before they realized it, they began to sink into it.

Jinx let out a shriek as the sickeningly warm, black blood pulled them in. As if it were trying to avenge its previous form. Not far from her Nao was sinking too. Jinx pulled and struggled, trying to get them out, but it was too late and they were falling through the blackness. The impact knocked her into blessed unconsciousness, though she woke again what felt like only moments later gasping and turning to the side. “Butterfly!” She called, the sound seemingly swallowed by the pulsing blackness. The ground felt like metal crosshatching and was almost too hot to stand on. Not far away lay Nao, also covered in the blood-that-wasn’t-blood.

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