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Zach's POV

We went to LA to make the 1st thing from the list right.
To help the twins' father.

We knocked on the door and their father came. He had red eyes and his body was shaking even though he was 46 years old.

"Come in please" he politely said and showed the way.
We sat on an old couch.

"Where are Bea and Lea? Haven't heard of them for a long time" Ivy asked.

"They are work at the bar. Singing and dancing" he sighted "Every night they come with a different guy, but one thing is the same. They are dead drunk"

"I'm sorry"

"Can you please give me their number" I asked.
"No. I don't have it. They don't even care about me. I just know they work at the Rory's miracles"

We talked about everything. He was a really good man.
But we couldn't be here all day so Ivy asked: "Are you sick? You seem like it"

"Yes. I need a small brain tumor surgery. But the problem is I don't have a health insurance "

"We have to go" Ivy took my hand
"Tommorow is the long day, stay safe" we shaked our hands and went to the Why Don't We house.

"Ahhhh I missed this place" I shouted. The boys all ran towards us and hugged us.
"I need to tell you what happened when you were there" Jack said.
"I need to tell you what is happening right now" I sighted.

The boys looked each other confused and then looked at me.
"I'm going to die in couple of years, months, days, hours or seconds" Ivy cut off the scilence.

"I'm sorry" Dani said as he took Ivy's hand.
"We will help you spend that time" Jack put his hand on Daniel's.
"We will make better every moment" Jonah put his hand on Jack's.
"I promise" Corbyn put his hand on Jonah's.
"And I will give you all my love" I said as I put my hand on theirs.

Ivy's tear fell on our arms.
"Thank you, you're really best friends someone could ever have"

She started to have bruises on the stomach. She was bleeding all night and she was strong.
The strongest person I've ever met.

Getting it done// Zach Herron BOOK2Where stories live. Discover now