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So Andreas came to LA. He got his job back.
The twins father was hoing to have a surgery the next day.
Everything came to the place.

Except from me. My little finger  died. I was unable to play the piano.
My world crushed. No more songs.

But I had a baby to bring on this world. That was the motivation to keep going on.

8 month pass

I was already 22. My left fist died.
But it was 9 months, and I was going to give birth. Zach and I were happy together, but he was starting to feel depressed.

The boys made a song with me.
It was about life. And the most important thing in the life. Love.

"It started" I yelled as Zach took my hand. The doctor was just looking while the nurses were helping me out.

Zach's POV

She passed away. Not again.
The nurses took little Valentine Ivy and pulled Ivy's bed. They ran.
I tried to follow them but they told me "Please stand there".

And I stood. Valentine Ivy was okay.
But Ivy was not. I knew something happened. I just knew it.

And I was waiting. Everyone came.
The boys, the twins, Mariah and Beth. But they went away.

I stood there until 5AM. The doctor came to me "I'm not gonna lie, she is getting much worse. We are going to remove the fist. It's taking too much blood, and it doesn't need it. We'll leave the feet because she needs to stand on something. It's gonna take 2 more days".
"So I'm gonna go now" I sighted.
"Stay strong" he sighted and then ran into the operation room.


"Ivy, are you okay?" I asked.
She was at the intensive care with Valentine.
"She is beautiful, isn't she" she was nursing her. Valentine was looking at me with her blue eyes.

After she was done eating, she fell asleep with her hand in Ivy's mouth.
God she was beautiful.

Ivy gave me her bucket list and I crossed

Spend time with the most beautiful human in the world

Getting it done// Zach Herron BOOK2Where stories live. Discover now