Ch. 46: The Small Things (Part 2)

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A/N: Don't own this picture of Kihyun. Credits belong to original poster(s).


~during service~ 

 I was scrolling through the list of famous photographer that were going to met up at the International Photographers' Exhibition that is occuring in Korea for the first time ever. According to the list that Minhyuk provided for me, Kihyun's favorite photographer was Dr. Phana Thanit. 

Under the photographer's name, there was a short bio, but no picture of the photographer himself. It reads, "Dr. Phana Thanit is a world famous photographer who was originally a doctor, but could not stand to remain as a doctor since photography called his name. He attended and graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine.Dr. Thanit is a Thai native, and he speaks multiple languages (Thai, Hangul, and Spanish).  He is known for his photos are so surreal that they appear to capture the soul of his subjects. This will be his first time participating in this event and his first time back in Korea after several years." 

After checking the dates, I purchased two tickets to the event right away because according to the reviews I read, there was limited seats for the event. As I was waiting for the purchase to go through, I felt someone grabbing onto my shoulder. I turned around to see Kihyun tapping his feet.

"What do you think you are doing," he asks.

"Ummm...," I said and put my phone into my pocket quickly.

"Right nothing. We need some help in the front and since you are not busy, go help if you aren't going to help us chefs," he states before walking back to his station in the kitchen. 

At least, he didn't see...

~after work~

 As I was putting in my uniform into my locker, I was contemplating how do I ask Kihyun to go with me to the exhibition. I stared at my reflection in the small mirror on the door of my locker as I did so. "Should I just straight up and ask Kihyun,"  I asked myself.

"Ask me what," says Kihyun.

"Umm." Fuck..fuck... I am not ready yet. I don't... Ugh... Well, here goes nothing.


"I... was just wondering if you would like to go to the International Photographers' Exhibition with me this weekend. If you want. Like, my dad got the tickets from a friend and he didn't want to go so he gave them to me. And..," I rattled off while staring above Kihyun's head in order to not blush.


"Well, yes. I clearly did state that," I said and looked at Kihyun who had the most brightest smile on his face.

"I wanted to get tickets to it, but they are so expensive. I would love to go. You would really let me go with you," he asks with sparkles in his eyes and hands together.

"Yeah, it's a da-," I started to say  but, for some reason, stopped myself from completing my sentence. I mentally cursed at myself for being an idiot, and not outright stating that it would be a date.  Kihyun didn't seem to notice  my internal turmoil as the news that he was going to get to met his favorite photographer was top priority on his mind right now. 

"Sweet. Thank you.  I can't wait. Oh my god, I am not ready. I still need to prepare...," he rambles before bowing slightly, and speed walks out of the room leaving me behind in shock that he actually agreed to spend time with me alone outside of work.

A/N: Dr. Phana Thanit is an OC. He is based on a real person. That person is God Itthipat Thanit. He is a Thai actor and model. The name of the character is combined version of his character's name in the Thai BL drama, 2moons,  and his real name. Nothing else of his 2Moons character is used in this book. Also, his Instagram username is gxxod. 

Always and Forever (Showki fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora