Ch. 59: Who Said Romance Is Dead?

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~the next morning~

As the sun rose, I rolled around on my bed laughing at what had happened afterwards yesterday with blush slowly spreading across my face. Mochi barks indignantly from his bed before going back to sleep.


"Yes," I whispered to him from behind. He quickly turns around and gives me the cutest expression that I had ever seen on his face.

"Really," he asks quickly like a child who has been told that he or she would be going to the candy store. I nodded and tried to hide my face as it felt hot under his gaze. To which, he didn't see to notice. "So, we're dating?"

"Yeah," I said under my breath.

"Can you say it louder? I didn't hear," he says while looking at me curiously.

"Yes," I said clearly this time and tried to run past him to save myself the embarrassment as I did sort of said it too loudly than I would have liked. But, he runs up behind me and closes the door trapping me between his body and the door. When I turned around to glare at him, his face was literally two inches away from mine. In response, I ducked and ran to the side thus playing a game of tag in a way. When he was about to catch me, he tripped over his own foot and fall down like a sack of potatoes. He sits back up and gives me a goofy smile before rubbing at the back of his neck.

~end flashback~


~8:30 a.m.~

At the sound of the alarm, butterflies began to flutter in my stomach as today was really our first day as a couple. Seconds later, I got off my bed and looked into the mirror as I decided that I should dress up a bit. So, I riffled through my drawers and pulled out a soft and fluffy oversized baby blue sweater, and white skinny jeans. As I was putting them on, I realized that I didn't even wake up Hyungwon yet.

I tried to get dressed as I walked over to his room but manage to stumble into his door. "Ow~," I whined before opening his door to only find a sleepy Hyungwon standing up. He vaguely registers my presence and makes a waving motion with his hand before trudging forward to his own bathroom at an incredibly slow pace for a human being.

~back in his room~

Once I was sure that I did an okay job at putting on makeup, I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water as I noticed that it was almost time to leave for work. Typically, I would not look forward to work, but today was a bit different.


*bell chime*

I glanced around looking for a certain muscle bound rock, but to my disappointment, he was nowhere in sight. I frowned and started to regret wearing clothes I usually don't wear to work for once. So, I just walked into my office to change into my chef's uniform to find a big hamster plushie surrounded by roses with a card propped against it. The card read: " Are you a camera? Because every time I see you, I smile ~Hyunwoo."

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