Ch. 61: Candlelight Dinner

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~6:53 p.m.~

~Kyuhyun's Wine Bar and Restaurant~

*bell chime*

"Good evening, sir. May I ask how many are in your party," asked a white haired male.

"Umm, I have a reservation under Son," I offered as I wasn't sure if I was to get a table and wait or something.

"Ahh, yes. Son. Please follow Sungmin," he says as he points to a brunette who smiled at me. Sungmin directs me to the table where the man that was on my mind was sitting with candles lit in front of him. The waiter gives us some menus before walking away to check on another table.

"Hello," I said awkwardly after I took a seat that was already pulled out.

"Hello," he replies. 


"Did you like the gifts," he asks shyly.

"Umm, yes," I said hesitantly.

"Was it too much?"

"No, it's fine."

"So, what do you recommend to drink," I asked.

"Umm, the Elvio Cogno 'Bricco Pernice' Barolo 2012, Pierre Gonon Saint-Joseph 2015, Bereche Et Fils 'Bruit Reserve' NV...," he rattles off.

"Korean please," I whined. I didn't get a single word that he said. 

"Hahaha, they are just the names of the wines. When it comes to wine, you just need to know what age, dryness, sweetness, or body that you like and look for the best ones. Can't really make a choice based on the names," he laughs.

"Pardon me for not knowing my fancy wines despite being a head chef at a fancy restaurant," I said as I rolled my eyes at him. 

"How about I just pick for us then?"

"Please,"  I said over my menu. 

"Have you decided what you would like to eat," asked Sungmin who appeared out of no where almost making me drop my menu. 

"We will have a bottle of your best zinfandels and rose wines," Hyunwoo said.

"Ahh, good choices. We just got restocked so you two are in luck. And, what will you gentlemen like to eat," he asks.

"I'll have coq au vin, and he will have...," Hyunwoo says and looks at me.

"Umm, I will just have a creamy saffron shrimp pasta with gnocchi," I said randomly as I wasn't even sure what I wanted.

"Okay then. Dinner will be served soon and I will be right back with your drinks," Sungmin said before bowing and leaving.

~after Sungmin comes back with the drinks and poured their wine~

"Mmm, the rose is very full bodied," I said as I licked the drop that escaped my lips. 

"Indeed, but I think the zinfandel is much better. Perhaps, because it is more dry," he says while swirling around the zinfandel in his wine glass.

I nodded as I drank a little more of my rose. But, I didn't take a big gulp at a time because one cannot get drunk on a date. I am pretty sure that I am buzzed so I need to pace myself. Thus, I started to drink some water in between. 

"So, what would you do if you weren't a chef," he asks suddenly.

"Mmm, probably a photographer like P'Pha."


"I am not really sure. There is like a certain something to photography. To be able to capture a moment...a memory paused and held still with a click of a button. A physical copy rather than a memory. Something that never fades," I replied.

"But, isn't a memory worth more than a physical representation of a memory?"

"I feel like having a physical object that relates to a memory enables one to remember it whenever they look at it."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Well, of course, a memory is worth more. It is priceless, but a photo is worth a thousand words. One cannot remember everything just from memory only. Something has to stir the memories up in order for one to recall. So, both have intrinsic value. Just depending on how you look at it will determine which is worth more."

He nods and take another sip of wine.

"Then what about you? What would you do if your father did not ask you to take over the restaurant?"

"I would have been a swimmer."


"The exhilarating feeling of cutting through water. The feeling of being embraced by water. Winning competitions, of course," he says thoughtfully. "I was training for the Olympics at Taereung, but my father had other plans," he adds.

"Do you regret not becoming a Olympic athlete," I asked but before he could answer our meal had arrived.

"Opps, it seems I came at the wrong time. Apologizes," Sungmin says while he places our food on our table.

"No need," Hyunwoo said. Sungmin nods and left. "So, you were saying?"

"Do you regret not becoming a Olympic athlete," I asked again.

"No," he says with a strong look in his eyes.

"How come?"

"Because I wouldn't have met you," he says with a smile that made his eyes smile too. 

A/N: In case no one knows, Taereung is the Korean National Training Center for athletes preparing for the Olympics or other competition, etc. The wines mentioned above are not zindafels nor rose wines. Just to let you guys know. I just wanted to include fancy wine names. Hahaha.

Always and Forever (Showki fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora