Apartment Buddies

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1 month had passed and Mollie had moved into her apartment,she was waiting for me to move in and fly to California.
I called Mollie
"Hey M my flight is tomorrow morning at 6:30am so I better pack the rest of my suitcase and get a early night" I say on the phone
"I'll be waiting for you at 10:30am at LAX"
We both hung up and I packed the rest of my stuff and got into bed, Around 1 hour lasted my brother and sister came in my room and laid on my bed.
They said "Brooklynn were going to miss you"
I said "Im going to miss you too and remember I gave you my cell phone number if you need me"
We all fell asleep in my bed until my alarm ring, I quickly switched it off not to wake anybody
I get ready to travel I had all my stuff ready so I went down stairs and saw my mum sitting on the chair with Luca in her arms I told her "I will see you soon mom" and I walked out the door.

I was,on the flight to California and the only people that knew were my family and Mollie
It was a boring flight so I just slept all the way through it.
As soon as I got of the plane I rung Chloe and she was waiting out side for me, I gave her a hug and we got into her car and drove to our apartment.
The only issue was it was the same complex and Logan, Jake's brother!
Oh no I told Mollie and she freaked out!
She told me it was going to be fine because I Logan didn't really know what you looked like as you've only meet once or twice.
I agreed and we walked up there to our new apartment!
It was so big and luxurious, I wanted to stay here forever.
As it was only 11:45 in the morning, we decided we would go to the mall and do some shopping as we both loved to shop.
We pulled up and the first shop we went in was Gucci as it was my favourite shop, and then we went in Louis Vitton as it was  Mollie's favourite shop, we went in a few more shops and then we decided to make our way over to the food court.
We sat down at a restaurant,as it was so warm we sat outside
the waitress brought us our menus I ordered a salad and mollie ordered a sandwich.
Our food came and we started eating, I really regret sitting outside as I see Jake, Chance and Anthony walk into the food court I don't know if they saw us but they were walking closer to us.
I hear Anthony shout "Oh look it's brooklynn"
The other two looked and they all started running over.
Jake gave me a hug I didn't hug him back, it was a little bit awkward at first
J-Brooklynn where have you been?
B-Away from here
J-are you living around here now or just visiting?
B-I live here
J-maybe we could hang out?
B-No not after you cheated on me
J-Brooklynn I promise it wasn't like that please let me explain
C&A-You need to let hi, explain brooklynn
M-Go with him and see what he has to say I'll be right here
I walk to Jake's Tesla and just inside,
He says "Brooklynn that kiss didn't mean anything, Ericka just came up to me an she kissed me for her vlog,I tried to push her off me but she did it again"
I say "Jake I don't know what to do to be honest"
"Me either I'll always be waiting for you though" he says
I don't know what to reply with, I feel jake coming closer and closer to me

My neighbour Jake PaulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora