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I woke up the next morning Jake had already got up,I got to the bathroom and got ready for the day

Outfit^^^^I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen to get breakfast, I see Nick and Tessa sitting in the kitchen eating pancakes, bacon and eggs so obviously I join them Tessa says to me "Hey B how are you today"I reply to her "I'm good thanks...

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I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen to get breakfast, I see Nick and Tessa sitting in the kitchen eating pancakes, bacon and eggs so obviously I join them
Tessa says to me "Hey B how are you today"
I reply to her "I'm good thanks"
Jake interrupted us and says "are you all ready to go buy a dog?"
We all look at each other in excitement me,Jake,Tessa,Chance, Anthony and chad go in the Tesla while everybody else goes in there own car.
I make Jake stop of at Starbucks so I could get me and Tessa a coffee,after our very short stop we carry on the journey to the pet store.
—30 minutes later—
We are finally at the pet store and we all get out of the cars and run into the pet store,after around 20 minutes of looking around I think I'm going to vlog
"Hey BrooklynnAtors I'm here at the pet store as team10 and I are buying a new....DOGGGG I'm so excited I can't wait to show you guys our new dog when we actually pick one, if you guys are any good with names leave some suggestions in the comments below byeeee"
I put the camera away and the man who works at the pet store comes out with a tiny, cute dog.
I think to myself this is the dog we are getting!!

This is our dog^^Jake starts to vlog and says about the dog and that he had a god name for him, we were going to call him 'Patch'I couldn't stop cuddling him he was so soft and so cute I didn't want to let go of him,Jake and I looked around the pe...

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This is our dog^^
Jake starts to vlog and says about the dog and that he had a god name for him, we were going to call him 'Patch'
I couldn't stop cuddling him he was so soft and so cute I didn't want to let go of him,Jake and I looked around the pet store for a bit and I seen a cute bed and toys for our new dog, so we bought a lot of things for patch to feel comfortable in his new home with us.
Jake says to me "You are not going to be staying with us for much longer as you seem to be recovering well"
I nod and say "Yeah I guess, I can come over everyday though?"
Jake pulls me close to him and we kiss he says "Of course you can"
I see Chad,Chance and Anthony in the corner and they are taking photos and putting them on snapchat. Oh well everybody was going to find out me and Jake were back together sooner or later.
Later on that day we took patch home and he seemed to really like it with everybody, but I decide it's time for me to go home, so I ask Jake "Babe would you be able to take me home now?"
He nods and walks out the door,I get into the Tesla and Jake immediately says "Don't go"
I turn to him with a smile on my face and say "Jake we know it's better if we're not together 24/7 right?"
"I guess" he turns away as he is driving.
On the way to my apartment complex I scroll through Twitter and decide that when I get home I'm going to do a Q&A for my YouTube channel.
We pull up to the doors of my complex and I lean over and kiss Jake and say "I'll call you letter babe" and then I walk to my apartment.
I get in my door and I set up my cameras and start to video
"So Hey BrooklynnAtors welcome back to my channel and today's video is going to be a q&a so here goes:
Q-Why did you pick Patch out of all the dogs?
A-Because he was the most cute, playful dog I had ever meet!

Q-Why did you leave team10?
A-I don't want to get too deep but it wasn't working as me and Jake were dating and I fell out with a few people so I thought it would be the best if I left team10

Q-Are you and Jake back together?
A-Uh yes we are

Q-Will you ever go back on team10
A-Probably not because it will cause to many problems like last time

Q-Are you going to move into the team10 house again?
A-If things carry on going the way they are 100% yes

"Thank you guys for watching I'm going to leave it there for today and I will see you tomorrow byeee"
After I upload my video I sit on my bed and FaceTime Jake we ended up falling asleep on FaceTime until my phone died.
*Thanks for reading this chapter!!

My neighbour Jake PaulWhere stories live. Discover now