Hot Tub (Willow X Reader Pt-2 SMUT!)

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Okay so I'm back. My forever hiatus ended up lasting 6-ish months. I don't know how long but I'll save going into detail for the end of the chapter. Also, my bad for publishing this too early by mistake, this is my first time writing on my pc rather than my phone. This part two was requested by Rain-Blur. hope you don't mind being a bit disappointed but I'm pretty rusty so it may not be very good. Sorry about that. Regardless, enjoy the story everyone.

2nd Person PoV

"Are you still not talking to me?"
"Oh, come on (Y/N)! I told you I can help!"
This, dear reader, is what happens when Willow and You get into an argument, specifically about an everlasting love between one girl [You] and one head of hair [Your hair] that we're separated by a tragic fire. One that you may or may not have set yourself while trying to cook giant, human-sized pigs for a meal. But that doesn't matter, It was obviously all her fault because this story needs conflict.

"Pleeeeease will you talk to me?" Willow questioned, hugging you from behind similarly to a small child.
"No." You deadpanned, continuing to stare off into the distance while the fire starter was fiddling with the charred ends of your hair.
"Ha! You totally just did! No take-backs!" She smirked, pointing at you before crossing her arms and grinning smugly as if she had won a contest. You just continued to ignore her.

Realising that you were more upset that she predicted, she hesitated before approaching your front slowly.
"Y'know, when so said there was a way to fix your hair, I did mean it." She said in a serious tone that was so unexpected, you looked up at her to see if she was being honest.
"I'm listening." You said with a piqued curiosity, to which she beamed at you and grabbed you by the wrist.
"Come with me!" She said, giving you no time to oppose as she, quite literally, dragged you to a place unknown to you.

*time skip due to something referencing Maxy's ice cream.*

After about ten minutes of being dragged by a crazy person, your feet were a wreck and your arm felt like it had been pulled out of its socket.
"We're here!" Willow smiles, now even breaking a sweat despite the marathon you just dashed.
"Where... is 'here'...?" You huffed, out of breath and out of shape.
"It's my hot tub, the only one on the island too!" She says proudly, putting her hands on her waist and lifting her head with pride.

Looking around you, you see that you've been dragged quite a distance to somewhere unfamiliar. There's a forest and a rocky plain separated perfectly by a line of separation. There is also a single pond with few reeds surrounding it, positioned so around half of it is under the shade of the forest trees and the other half open to sunlight with a flat, rocky surrounding. Luckily, there also don't appear to be any frogs nearby. Actually, there's no sign of any living creature anywhere near you or the pond, not even any tallbird nests or rabbit dens.

"How have we never come across this place?" you question, stunned by the beautiful landscape that surrounded you two. You had absolutely no idea how Willow had managed to resist burning down the forest to your side, but assumed something about this place seemed almost magical to her too.

"I knew you would like it! That's why I kept it hidden from everyone else, I wanted to..." Willow began, before coming to a halt and stuttering, her face turning a bright shade of crimson. "Uhm... I just- I just wanted to share it with..." She came to a complete halt with her words, looking away to save herself the embarrassment of your gaze, however you already somewhat understood what she was trying to utter out. You felt your temperature rising by the second.

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