34: A Day Off

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"Sneak attack!" Sokka screamed as he attacked Aang while Toph and Katara were having it out over some small issue.

The craziness that was going on in front of you wasn't doing anything to lift your spirits. Even after having a heart-to-heart with the avatar, you still had some lingering bad feelings. Having never had any kind of relationship before, it felt something along the lines of a first heartbreak. You did want to go back to Zuko and have him sweep you off of your feet, kiss you passionately and proclaim to the world that you were his.

But that wasn't for you. Your life wouldn't be that way, unfortunately. Too swampy. The phrase seemingly plastered on your forehead.

"You know, yelling sneak attack defeats the purpose of a sneak attack." Aang mentioned to Sokka, still blindfolded.

Meanwhile, Katara and Toph were in the mud, wrestling around.

"Everyone stop fighting. We need to start thinking about how we're going to get money. We can't keep living off of YN's jewels." Aang scolded the group.

"I ain't got much left neither." You commented.

"Well you know what? I'm going to clean up." Katara stomped off, after punching Sokka for some comment he made.

"I think I'm gonna go into town and try to make some money. Are you boys coming?" Toph asked Aang and Sokka.

"What about YN?" Aang asked as he looked back at your form laying quietly as the edge of the woods.

Toph wrinkled her nose.

"No fun. I think it's more of a guy thing." She responded.

"You're not a guy, Toph." Aang responded quickly.

"Eh, close enough. Let's go!" She cheered, leading the boys in the very general direction of town. Very general.

But you just laid there. Eventually Katara returned, much cleaner than before.

"Where did everyone go?" She asked you as she redid her hair.

"Ta town." You responded listlessly. Today was just one of those kind of days where you weren't really in the mood to talk.

"Can I... talk to you?" Katara asked, uncharacteristically sheepish. "You and Zuko were dating, right?"

"Yeah, you could call it that." You looked up at the sky and felt your blood move within you. If you didn't feel like doing much today, you could at least practice your blood bending.

"Did you... Did you guys kiss?"

You looked over at her at this question.

"Well, yeah. 'Course we done kissed."

"Was it your first kiss?"

"Yeah, it was."

"Is there anyway I could... practice? Besides kissing? That way I can be you know, better at it?" She played with her hair as she looked away from you as you scanned her face for any hint that this was some kind of joke.

"Nah, I ain't think so. Ya just gotta keep tryin'. And it's gotta be the person ya wanna keep kissin'. That way you can both learn what ya like. Yo'l get better real quick."

"So it's not a big deal if you didn't really like your first kiss?"

"I ain't see why it would be. Ya got a life to keep trying."

She stood up and brushed herself off.

"You know, you aren't so bad. You're actually pretty nice when you aren't determined to get somewhere."

"Yeah, guess so." You sighed and you went back to meditating.

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