40: Mysterious Town For Mysterious Children

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"... I can't lose another delivery boy in the woods..." You listened in on the conversations happening around you in the market as you walked next to Hama. She was giving you some weird vibes, not that you could explain it. It was in the way she moved, in the way her blood flowed through her veins. It wasn't as random as it should have been. But then again, neither was your fathers; only because he had meditated so deeply that he had complete control of himself. So she definitely could have done that as well.

"People disappearing in the woods? Weird stuff during full moons? This reeks of spirit world shenanigans" Sokka remarked behind you.

"I bet if we just take a little walk around town, we'll find out what these people did to the environment to make the spirits mad." Aang postulated. "It seems like just about everyone away from the poles is polluting the planet now."

"Not in ma swamp, we ain't!" You cheered. "But yeah, I done seen some real dirty places. If a spirit's mad at them, then yous the person to fix it."

"Yeah! You can sew up this little mystery lickety-split avatar style."

"Why don't you all take those things back to the inn." Hama suggested. "I just have to run a couple more errands. I'll be back in a little while."

"This is a mysterious little town you have here." Sokka looked at Hama suspiciously as you gave him an odd look. Who gets up in an old woman's face?

"Mysterious town for mysterious children." She replied mischievously. Even you couldn't help but laugh at that, causing her to smile as she turned and walked away.

The rest of the walk to the inn was pretty quiet, with everyone thinking about what Hama said. Finally, when you had all arrived back at the inn and set all of the food down, Sokka spoke again.

"That Hama seems pretty strange. Like she knows something," He turned and looked at Katara. "Or she's hiding something."

"That's ridiculous. She's a nice woman who took us in and gave us a place to stay." Katara replied while she emptied her basket.

"I dunno, I gotta agree with Sokka here, she done gave me the heebie-jeebies." Your body shivered.

"See? Even Swampy here agrees with me." Sokka pointed at you, prompting you to slam your basket down and glare at him.

"What? Am I s'posed ta call ya icy then? Katara gets ta be snowy, Toph, rocky and Aang, breezy? What's with y'all callin' me by my na-tion-al-i-ty?" You separated the syllables for emphasis.

"Don't take it too seriously, YN. We know you're more than that. That's just Sokka's way of making a joke." Aang smiled at you, trying to make you feel better.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes, feeling a bit reminiscent of Zuko's girlfriend.

Dangnabbit. I ain't wanna think about that now... You tried to shake your head to get rid of the thought, but instead you just wondered what exactly the Prince of the Fire Nation was up to right about now.

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