Being Human

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Jessica's POV

I'm dreaming right? This isn't real. He isn't in front of he? I kept staring at him. He looks different. Skinnier. He looks restless and tired. I could clearly see bags under his eyes.

What are you doing here Yuri? How did you find me? Why did you came? Why are you doing this to me? Those were all the question I wanted to ask him, but nothing came out.

Am I still afraid of him? What is there to be scared of? I already signed the divorced papers the day I left him months ago.

Why is he still here? Have he signed it yet? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by him.

" C-Can we talk inside?" I thought for a moment then nodded. I open the door and walk in before him.

I could hear the door closing behind me. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water for him. He was still standing in front of the door with his hands in his pants pocket.

" Why are you here?" I ask sitting at the dinning table. I saw him looking around, trying to find something.

" Sorry, but I don't have a couch" I said coldly.

" It's fine...I'm here to talk" He said now sitting besides me. " Abput what? Isn't there nothing left to talk about?" I ask, more like making a statement.

" * Sigh* I want to talk about us" I chuckle at him. Us? " There is no us Yuri ah. I did signed the divorce paper. Why are you here now?"

End of POV

" I-I...I don't want to. I didn't sign it. I burned it. Jessica please, I'm so sorry. Come back to me. I promise not to hurt you. Please I'm so sorry" Yuri was shock when she mention the divorce paper.

He got on his knees in front of her with tears rolling down his eyes. " Why?" She mumble. Yuri look at her, she was too in tears.

" Why now? Why is it now you are being human? Have you even thought how I felt everyday and night living with you? You come home late and drunk and I hated it! You hurt me too much Yuri, you broke everything about me. Y-You гɑре me! Your a monster!" Jessica cover her mouth and cried.

Yuri bit his lips trying hard not to break down. He knew he was wrong. He knew she was damn hurt. He does regret it. All of it.

" I'm sorry" He mumble. Jessica wipes her tears and caress her big belly. She suddenly remember about it. Her baby. The baby she's carrying is her's and his blood.

Yuri notice her hand and touch her belly. Jessica glared at him and shove his hand away. " I almost forgot you told me you were pregnant" He smile weakly.

" That was the same day you accused me it was someone els and told me to kill it" Yuri's smile faded. Now he's feeling more guilty.

" I know it's mine. Please...I'm so sorry. I know I'm wrong. I hated you because I couldn't get my happiness, but it's different now. I regret hurting you. I regret trying to kill our baby. I'm a bad husband and a father, but I want to change. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry" Stepping on his own pride and held her hand and cried.

Jessica's heart felt numb. She doesn't know what to do. Forgive him? What if he hurt her again. What if this was all a lie?

Hearing him whimpering, she finally got her answer.

" I won't forgive you"

Yuri look up at her. His heart felt a sting. Before he could say anything she beat him to it. " I won't forgive you, but I'm giving you another chance tog et me back. I won't comeback to you until I clearly see you changed" Yuri wipes his tears and sat on the chair.

He felt such a relief that she gave his a chance. He is sad that she didn't forgive him, but it's better then nothing.

" Thank you so much. It's fine if you haven't forgive me yet. I deserve for you to earn back my trust. I promise I'll protect you and love you. I'm sorry" He smile and let one more tear down.

Jessica eyes were now red and swollen, she knew this is risky for her, but she have to give it to him. " I'm giving you a chance, but I won't go back to that house. It's filthy" She said coldly.

Yuri could already knew this won't be easy, but he's sure to win her heart. He smile at her and nodded. " Fine, but I'm getting you another apartment better then this" She glared at him.

"No. Just don't do anything. I'm fine here" Yuri gulp and nodded. His gaze return to her belly once more. A smile was formed. " How many month is it?" He ask warmly.

" 7" He nodded. * Only two more months* He thought. " Have you check if it's a girl or boy?" He ask again. Truth was, when he said he changed, he meant everything including the baby.

He wants it. He wants the baby. He was happy that Jessica is still carrying his their child. " No. I want it to be a surprise. It's getting late. You should go home" She said.

She knew it would takes hours from her to his house. Still her heart betrayed her. Yuri looked at the clock. Times fly fast, it's was already 6 pm.

" I'll visit tomorrow. Goodnight" He leaned down to kiss her forehead, but Jessica move. His heart hurt a little, but he understood her.

That night, both of them didn't sleep. Both were in their own thoughts. For Jessica, she was thinking what would be her future? Their future. Good? Bad? Or even worse?

Over at Yuri. He couldn't help but smile. " Finally, we can start over" He close his eyes imagining a bright shine ahead of him.

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