Becoming a Mother

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" Wow!.....Wow....WOAH!! look! They got jumbo size pretzel!" Sooyoung jump and pointed at the pretzel stand. He immediately ran to get in line leaving the other.

" Ya! Ditcher! We're suppose to go to Time Square! ( Not the one in NY there's a place called Time Square in South Korea)" Taeyeon yelled.

While Taeny and Sunny are chatting, Yuri wanted to make a conversation with Jessica, but every time he speak she would only nod and hum.

" Uhm so wha---"

" Can you be quiet?" She ask coldly then walk to the rest. Yuri lower his head and sigh. Soon Sooyoung came back then they made their ways to Time Square. They are having a movie night.

" I'll have two cups of cheese pop corn, fried squid, mineral water, and gummy bears please!" Sooyoung and Sunny are getting the snack while Taeyeon and Yuri are gettign the tickets and choosing their seats.

While they are doing there things, Jeti is having a little talk. " So how you feeling? The baby is coming soon, OMG I'm so excited!" Tiffany squeal. Jessica just roll her eyes.

" Why you getting so excited for? I'm the one who's going to give birth and plus you already have a baby" Jessica is getting a little moody, because of the mood swing.

" Aish your no fun. What about you and Yul? Are you guys okay?" Tiffany got serious. " We're just the same" Jessica answered bluntly and shrug her shoulders.

" When will you forgive him? Don't you see he has changed?" Tiffany got a little frustrated. It's not that she's siding Yul, but it's very obvious that Yuri had changed.

" I don't want to talk about it Tiff. You know how he treated me. It's still hurts" Jessica wipes her tears. Soon the guys came. " Sica I got your favorite snack" Yuri smile warmly and handed to her, but Jessica just ignores him and walk to Sunny.

" What wrong baby?" Taeyeon sense something wrong with Tiffany. She was just smiling and happy, now she seems kind of down and frowning.

" Nothing, lets go" She smile weakly.


It's now 3 weeks and Yuri got Jessica into the hospital since he was afraid she was going to give birth and no is there to help her.

Of course Jessica refuse and he have fail in the past, but this time, he showed no mercy. He would stay with her, but he got to take care of his company as well.

But Yul still stay at the hospital every night till Jessica give birth and discharge. Now he just got to her ward from a tirign day at work, yet he still put on a smile.

" Sica...have you ate dinner?" He ask softly. Jessica just nod and look out the window. " Thats good...Uhm" He wanted to ask her something he was dying to ask, but he couldn't get the words right.

Jessica knew he wanted to ask her something. " What is it?" She ask him. Yuri look at her then sat next to her. " Have you thought of a name for the baby?" He ask.

Yep this question have been stuck in his mind since he found out that she was pregnant. In his mind is a bunch of cute and adorable names for boys and girls.

" Jessica, if you don't, then I do. For a boy I want Yoong. For a girl...hmmm...Yoona. I think their both a cute name" He falshes his charming smile at her.

" Okay" Jessica mumble a little sleepy. Tiffany and Sunny visit her today, therefore she didn't rest at all.

" Oh your tired? Go to sleep SIca ah. I'll be right here" Jessica just stay quiet and soon went to sleep. Yuri stare at her face.

The thought of what their baby is going to look like made him grin. He stroke her hair softly then lean down slowly to give her a long peck on her temple.

" Sweet dream Sica ah. I love you........And you. Come out soon baby. Appa and umma both want to see you! I love you both so much. If only...." His tears drops feeling guilty.

He pull the chair closer and lay his head next to her belly and soon join his wife into a deep sleep.


Another few weeks came and Jessica could be giving birth any minutes. Yuri already took sometimes off so he can be here for her.

Feeling a little tired, Yuri went to the bathroom to wash his face, while that is happening, Jessica is sitting on the bed reading a book, when she feels great pain.

" Arrhh" She frowned and caress her tummy. The pain didn't go away, but gotten worse.

" Arrrhhh!... owww.. baby...what's wrong...arrrhhhh!" She squeal at the huge amount of pain she's having. Yuri rush out of the bathroom to see Jessica holding her tummy while letting her tears out.

" S-Sica?" He went to her and hug her. " Y-Yuri! hurts!!!" She scream. Yuri called the nurses for help.

" She's giving birth! Quick get her to the Labor room!" Soon the doctor came in and told the nurses to transfer Jessica.

" Jessica's giving birth? I'm going to se my baby soon?! Right?" Half of him is very happy, but half is dead worried about his wife.

" Yes Mr Kwon. We'll do our best for Mrs Kwon to give birth as fast as possible. In the mean time, please stay out here unless we tell you to come in" The nurses told him to stay and wait.

He could only pray that both of them would be okay. " Please be alright Sica ah. Baby I can't wait to see you" He said while staring at the door.

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