Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy Fanfic] Chapter 7

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Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy]

Chapter - 7


It was the next day. I haven't spoken to Freddy since last night. We stayed at the others pizzeria but I didn't sleep. I couldn't knowing freddy wasn't okay with his health. 'Why didn't he tell me what was going on? Why didn't he say something? Is he okay now? Could he die at any moment?' I thought to myself. I was just sitting in the corner of the main area. Everyone was asleep. I wasn't sure if Freddy was cause he was moving a lot. Maybe he was just having a bit of a stomach ache again or something that could cause him to move a lot in his sleep. I put my forehead on my arms on my knees. How can I sleep or rest or even relax knowing that Freddy had heart problems? I sighed and put my head back up. I looked around once more. I gave up and stood up from frustration and boredom. I walked over to where Freddy was sitting. I peaked over his shoulder and seen his eyes shut tightly as if he was hurting. I got closer and put my hand on his shoulder. I rubbed his shoulder softly. I seen him slowly open his eyes and look at me. I gave a soft smile and he looked back down at the floor with his eyes without moving his head. I took my hand off him and got a chair and sat next to him. He just looked at me with his eyes. I really didn't know what to say. "I'm.. glad you're getting out of your shyness more.." he told me quietly. I looked down at the ground and closed my eyes. I lifted my head back up when I heard him sniffling. I seen tears run down his face. I scooted my chair closer and put an arm around him. He sat up straight and leaned into me. He put one hand on my chest and the other around my lower back. I felt his tears just falling on my lap. "I.. I'm sorry I never told you.." he said thought his tears. I gently rubbed his back to calm him down. I looked down  at him and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me with his eyes as I moved a bit. He sat up straight and I stood up. I kept holding his hand to get him to stand and he did. I made him walk with me the the front door. Opened it and we walked out and I shut it. I let go of his hand and leaned on the wall. He just stood there with tears in his eyes still. I put my hand at the side of my head in confusion. He just looked at me with his eyes having his head down. "How long has this been going on?" I finally asked. He sniffled and swallowed hard. "About 3 years.." I looked at him. "Freddy.. why didn't you say anything?"  He looked at me and back at the ground. "I- I didn't want to worry you guys.." "freddy.. we are now more worried then ever because we are just figuring this out about you.." I looked at him as he covered his eyes. I sighed and walked to him and hugged him. "I understand if you're mad.." he said sadly. I let go of him and put my hands on his arms and pulled them down. "I'm not mad. I'm just shocked that you didn't tell any of us what was going on. I wish you told us earlier." I backed up and just looked into his eyes. "Are you still having any problems? Like health wise?" "No. I'm fine now but I just need to make sure I don't overdo anything to make my heart work harder or faster." I nodded. "Well.. next time just let us know what's going on.. you don't have to be afraid." He nodded and sighed. I looked at him again and he looked at me. "You wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked him. "Sure. But where?" "We can go to my parents house. I haven't been there in a while anyway. It'd be nice to take a walk as well." He smiled softly and nodded. I took a couple steps forward and held out my hand. He put his hand in mine and I held it firmly. "Let's let the others know real quick." He told me. I nodded as we walked to the door. He opened it and peaked in. He put his head back out and shut the door. "Uh never mind. They're all asleep still." I giggled quietly. "Okay." We walked down the steps and to my parents house. It actually wasn't far from the new pizzeria. Only about two miles away but I knew a shortcut. We got there in about an hour or less.

We walked up the two steps and I knocked on the door. I backed up a couple steps when the door opened. My dad had come to the door. My dad was about my height and also like a golden color but more darker then me. He also had brown eyes and a red bow tie and a red hat. My mom was about a foot shorter then I was and she was like a light brown color. She had a bow tie as well but it was light purple. She didn't wear a hat but that was fine. Once my dad realized it was me he got a big smile on his face. "H- Hey Goldie! How's my little boy doing?" He asked me excited. He took a step back and hugged me and picked me up off the ground. "Uh dad.. I'm not a kid anymore." I told him. He laughed and put me down. "I know. I just miss the little you. And who do we have here? Well if it isn't Mr. Fazbear." I looked at freddy and he blushed. "Uh.. you can just call me freddy." "Haha I know son. Just messing with ya. So what are you two doing here?" He asked us. "Uh we wanted to take a walk. Freddys not been so well and I thought getting away and some fresh air would help." He nodded. "That was a good idea. Come in. Your mother is gonna be so excited to see you." He patted my back and pushed me in and he did freddy the same way. We walked in and found my mom in the kitchen.

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