Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy Fanfic] Chapter 8

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Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy]

Chapter 8


The next day came. Me and Freddy had fallen asleep on the stage. Like usual.. I looked at him and he looked stressed. Even in his sleep I could see the stress and worry in his face. I sat up straight and leaned forward. I sighed and looked around like usual. Everyone else was asleep as well.  I rubbed the back of my head noticing that I had a headache. I groaned quietly and stood up and walked to the bathroom. I entered and went to a sink. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I turned the water on low and splashed my face with some water and turned it off. I got a paper towel and dried it off. I threw it away and looked at myself again. I leaned forward and looked at my eyes a bit. I lowered my ears and sadness and embarrassment. Why can I just be like everyone else? Have eyes and be normal like the others? Not not having eyes and having powers. Don't really think about it much but it's a lot of pressure to have these powers. Any wrong movement can set them off and can hurt someone or myself. Aside from that.. I just wish I had my eyes back. I can see just fine but I used to have blue eyes like freddy. Lighter blue but I used to have actual eyes. I honestly just want them back. I leaned back and sighed. "I'm sure people get creeped out by your look goldie.. I wonder if I ever scared freddy by the sight of me.." I said quietly to myself. "I doubt it." I heard a voice say. I nearly had a heart attack. I turned my head quickly and it was freddy. I put my head down a little. "What am I hearing right now? Why would I be scared of you?" He asked me. "Me not having any eyes." I told him. "Goldie.. I don't care if you have eyes or if you don't. I love you for you. Not your looks." He said and walked to me. I took a step back and just looked at him. "But freddy.. all of you guys have eyes and don't have powers. I'm different then you all. It's not easy.." I told him. "Eh I don't understand how it feels to not have eyes or powers but one thing I do know is it's you. Your looks don't matter either. I think you're handsome but it doesn't matter what you look like. It's what you are on the inside. And everyone here loves you. I wouldn't worry about what some people think about your looks." I sighed. "I guess you're right.. how are you feeling today?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Eh.." I looked at him. He came by me and put his hands on my shoulders from behind. He pushed me sideways. "Look." He said and pointed at the mirror. "Uh.. what?" I asked. "What do you see in that mirror?" He asked. "Uh me and you?" I said confused. "Yeah but what i see is a very handsome guy with and amazing personality and an adorable smile. I wanna see that smile and not sadness. I don't see a creepy bear, I don't see a weird or bad guy. I see the most sweetest, calmest, nicest, and the most adorable bear in that mirror." He told me. I blushed slightly. "Aw well.. freddy.." "don't put yourself down. I don't wanna see my goldie sad." He told me and kissed my cheek. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked me. I stayed silent and put my head down to the side. "Okay.. well if you ever need to talk, never be afraid to come to me." He told me sweetly. I grinned softly but lost it. He came closer and rubbed my arm softly. I looked at him and leaned on him a bit. I looked at him when I heard something. It was the phone. He looked at me and grabbed my hand and started to walk there. We got to the phone and he answered it. I just stood by him. He spoke quietly since everyone was asleep.
"H- hello?" He asked. "Uh no..." he looked at me for a second and back away. "Well he.. I- d-" I walked around him to look at his face. He looked mad but sad at the same time. "No.. wait.. let me speak please.. d- ca-" he put the phone down from his head and looked at me. "It's my dad.." I raised my eyebrows as he put the phone back up to his ear. "Because.. why can't you just be proud of me? Dad please.." I heard his voice crack when he said that. He put it down and put it on speakerphone. "Listen to this.." he whispered to me. "It's not normal freddy! I don't want to have a son that's like this! Why can you just be normal?! Why can't you just like girls?! It's stupid and disgusting freddy! I didn't raise my son to be like this. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and just can't hold it in anymore. Your mom won't back me up cause she says it's fine and you're okay. You're not okay. I think you need to see someone to help you. I want you to break up with that dude and find help! So you can find a girl and get married like a normal person." He kept blabbering on as I looked up at freddy. He had his eyes closed and ears down. I looked back down at the phone. "Please freddy.. I'm just doing this for your safety. So you won't have a horrible life with some dude. Please freddy.. I'm only doing this for your own good." He raised the phone up a bit in front of him. "And?" He asked him. "Freddy. You aren't listening. I'm very disappointed in you and I want you to change." "It's not that easy." He said as his voice cracked again. "Are you crying? Why? I'm speaking the truth freddy. Stop crying and man up." He said rudely. I looked at the phone a bit closer. I got an angry look but lost it when I seen a tear fall on the phone. He dropped his arm to his side. "Freddy? Freddy! Answer me!" I looked up at freddy. He opened his eyes but had an angry look. He had tears in his eyes but you can tell it was anger. He lifted his arm up and slammed the phone back on the receiver. I took a step back when he looked at the phone angrily and then at me. I put my ears down in fear. He came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Why am I like this?! Why do I like guys?! Why do I like you?! ITS RUINING MY LIFE! I.. IM JUST A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT IN MY FATHERS EYES!" He yelled at me and pushed me back against a wall. "F- freddy..!" I said scared. "I WISH I NEVER MET YOU! I WISH I NEVER LIKED YOU! ALL THIS HAD DONE WAS DO WRONG IN MY LIFE AND RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAD! Thank you so much for ruining my life.. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" He yelled and threw me to the side. I fell down and landed hard on my right hand. "Freddy calm down!" I heard Bonnie's voice. I looked over as him and the others rushed to us. "What happened?? Why are you attacking Goldie?!" Foxy asked. "HE RUIND MY LIFE! I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN! LEAVE!" He yelled and pointed at the door. The bottom of my mouth quivered as my body shook from fear. "Freddy stop! It's not his fault!" Bonnie said and pushed him back. Chica came to me and tried to help me up. It hurt to get up since I just got tossed in the floor. I stayed on the floor just looking up at freddy. "I- I'm sorry.." I said quietly.  "Leave.. I want you to leave.." he told me. "Freddy no.. Goldie stay." Bonnie said. I stood up after a couple of seconds. I looked at him and he just stared at me angrily with his hands closed tightly. I felt tears fill my eyes to where I couldn't see. I quickly turned around and pushed the door open and ran out.

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