Update: pause or long wait

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Long story short. (Some probably already know) Im in college now. Yep. You read that right. Which means I'm more busy now. Which also means, I absolutely hate to say this, the stories are gonna have to be on pause for a while OR extremely late. I'm already so late with this story(and the other two) but I've had so much on my mind and so many things to worry about that I can't even take the time to think about the stories right now. I do still write as much as I can when I don't have much to do or when I have some free time but it's not often anymore. I currently am still writing but it's taking so long to publish the next parts to all three stories. I so much hate saying this and stopping cause I absolutely love to write but I just can't at the moment. It's so hard with my classes and all the work. I'm still trying though. If worse comes to worse, I can just upload a shorter part. I don't know honestly. But I just want to inform you guys what's really been going on. So so SO sorry for this. I absolutely hate doing this to you amazing people. It's just I have so much to do and so much to remember and my stories just kinda have been kicked out of my mind and it's hard to even remember that I write. I'm so sorry everyone. I'll try my best to do something but I just want to let you all know. Thank you for being so patient :c <3

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